Preventing climate change – locally, regionally, nationally and internationally
In the context of the current climate summit in Bonn, ZIN-member Prof. Andreas Löschel gave interviews on various aspects of climate change in the national radio station Deutschlandfunk Kultur and on TV broadcast Lokalzeit Münsterland.
In Lokalzeit Münsterland the economist described how climate change might have a direct impact on the Münsterland region. He applauded exemplary measured taken by the city of Münster to redurce emissions, but emphasize the further successes on the local level require the creation of appropriate national and international framework conditions.
The radio interview with Deutschlandfunk Kultur equally revolved around the topic of climate change, but focused on efforts against climate change in Great Britain and Germany. Andreas Löschel imparted background knowledge on the alleged leading role of Great Britain in tackling climate change and explained differences between the situations in Germany and Great Britain. Furthermore he elaborated on the difficult question of how to handle nuclear energy. He also weighed the prospective roles of different instruments to reduce emissions, inter alia the pricing of CO2 and stricter legislation.
[Source: Chair of Microeconomics with a Focus on Energy and Resource Economics; Lokalzeit Münsterland from 6th November 2017 (available until the 13th November 2017); Interview on Deutschlandfunk]