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Internal Concert planning

Registration of concerts in the summer semester 2025

To register a concert in the following semester, please enter all required information completely in the form fields.

For technical reasons, one form per event must be completed.

In the summer semester from April to July and in the winter semester from October to February, concerts begin at 7:30 p.m. on weekdays and Saturdays, and at 5:00 p.m. on Sundays. During the lecture-free periods in March and August/September, as well as on holidays, different regulations apply due to shortened opening hours.

If you do not provide any additional information in the "Comments" field, we will schedule your concert for these times in the Concert Hall of the Academy of Music.

Please keep in mind that your entries will be printed in the semester brochure and sent to the press.

Therefore, please make sure that your planning is reliable and that your entries are correctly spelled and complete.

Subsequent requests for changes can only be considered to a limited extent.

A look at previous concert brochures can be helpful when filling in the fields: Concert brochures of previous semesters.

Online formular

No english version available.

Hinweis: Die mit * versehenen Felder sind Pflichtfelder und müssen vor Absenden des Formulars ausgefüllt werden.


If you already have photo material on the event, please send it to hella.katterfeld@uni-muenster.de.

Please note that photos can only be used if you name the copyright: The name of the photographer OR the indication "private" is required. - Thank you!