Welcome to the MÜNSTER University of Music!

The Münster University of Music combines the best: education at the highest level, individually and in a family atmosphere, studying in a lively and lovable city and the international reputation of one of the largest universities in Germany, the University of Münster.

Whether you come to us as a student or as a teacher, whether you visit one of our concerts or whether you would like to get involved with the University of Music and support our work: Take a look around our website, follow us on social media and feel free to contact us personally. - You are most welcome!

Find more information on the Münster University of Music here.

© Förderverein der Musikhochschule Münster e.V.

Wechsel im Vorstand des Fördervereins

Nach 15-jähriger Tätigkeit als 1. Vorsitzende des Fördervereins der Musikhochschule Münster, hat Frau Rieke-Baumeister ihr Amt am 10. April 2024 abgegeben.

Dank und Gratulation zu ihrer langjährigen Tätigkeit sprachen der Dekan der Musikhochschule, Prof. Stephan Froleyks, und der im Rahmen der Mitgliederversammlung gewählte neue Vorstand aus.

Der Förderverein der Musikhochschule wurde 1985 gegründet, um den musikalisch-künstlerischen Nachwuchs im Rahmen der Hochschulausbildung zu unterstützen. Das Ziel des Fördervereins ist es, talentierten Studierenden die bestmöglichen Voraussetzungen für ihre musikalische Entwicklung zu ermöglichen und sie auf dem Weg zum professionellen Musiker oder zur professionellen Musikerin zu begleiten.


Three world premieres by W. A. Mozart -
Münster classical album of the year!

Three of Mozart's late piano sonatas were left unfinished, only the first movement was available. - The Münster composer Winfried Michel has now added the missing movements.

Michel taught at the Münster University of Music for several decades and is a proven expert in (early) classical music. He became famous for his re-creations of Haydn sonatas. The pianist Clemens Rave, piano professor at the conservatory, has recorded the three Mozart completions on CD. The sheet music was published by Mieroprint-Musikverlag, the CD was released on the Musicom label.

At the turn of the year, the CD was named "Münster Classical Album of the Year 2023" by the local press, Westfälische Nachrichten and Münstersche Zeitung, and is also expected to be reviewed on WDR 3 Tonart on January 23.

This successful cooperation project once again demonstrates how music practice and musicology, inventiveness, innovation and classical music go hand in hand at Münster University of Music.

Hier geht es zum YouTube-Video!
© MHS, vondergathen.art

Elemental Music

Elementary music is not "easy," but fundamental and essential.

All prospective students who have a passion for making music together, improvisation, performance and artistic design work are cordially invited to apply for our Elementary Music and Didactics program.

As a graduate, you will have access to a wide range of challenging careers. - All information is available here.


Solidarity with Ukraine

The Münster University of Music strongly condemns Russia's war of aggression against Ukraine. We stand in solidarity with the Ukrainian people, their students, artists, scientists and their families. Our thoughts also go out to our university members and their families.

At https://aec-music.eu/supporting-ukrainian-refugees/, many European music academies are compiling support offers especially for Ukrainian refugee music students - the Münster University of Music is also participating.



© Stadt Münster, GUCC
  • © Stadt Münster, GUCC
  • © Stadt Münster, GUCC
  • © Stadt Münster, GUCC

As a user of the Münster University of Music, you are familiar with our building at Ludgeriplatz and know: Unfortunately, it no longer meets today's requirements for accessibility, space for our students and more modern teaching design options. The need for space and renovation is no longer in proportion to the possibilities that the beloved but old building can offer at all. Therefore, we at the Academy of Music hope for a fundamental improvement of our situation, which would make a new domicile possible. And this change has a name: Music Campus Münster.

With the following two films, you can immerse yourself in the atmosphere of this forward-looking cultural and musical project: Short film part 1 at YouTube | Short film part 2 at YouTube


© Stadt Münster, GUCC
  • © Stadt Münster, GUCC
  • © Stadt Münster, GUCC
  • © Stadt Münster, GUCC

The Music Campus opens up a unique opportunity to unite the musical cultural and educational institutions and the passion of music-making professionals as well as amateurs of the urban society at one location. The resulting synergy effects will be much greater than the mere sum of the participants. Curiosity meets experience, hobby meets professionalism - the new music campus offers space for music, culture, science and international exchange.

EMU and the University of Music fully endorse the plans for the Music Campus. At the council meeting on April 6, 2022, the city of Münster will now also decide on the location and the cost framework.


© Stadt Münster, GUCC
  • © Stadt Münster, GUCC
  • © Stadt Münster, GUCC
  • © Stadt Münster, GUCC

An online petition under the motto "We want the music campus in Münster" was very successful and was presented at the last council meeting in February. A flash mob on March 19 on the Prinzipalmarkt gave further emphasis to the request. More than 150 choir singers from over 20 choirs set a resounding sign for music in Münster. They were accompanied by a brass ensemble. Here you can watch the film of the flash mob!

News from the Münster University of Music

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Prizewinners from the Münster University of Music

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