
into mathematical research and the Cluster of Excellence Mathematics Münster
© MM/vl

Public lectures "Brücken in der Mathematik"

The public lecture series "Brücken in der Mathematik" focuses on questions and topics that are trend-setting in different mathematical areas and that connect these areas. Video recordings of past events are available (in German) - in case you missed the lecture or would like to listen to it again.


Mathematik der Klimakrise
© Alfred-Wegener-Institut/Martin Künsting

Pop-up-Museum mit Rahmenprogramm

Mathematik ist unverzichtbar, um den Klimawandel zu verstehen und Zukunftsszenarien zu modellieren. Auf Initiative des Exzellenzclusters Mathematik Münster ergänzte das Pop-up-Museum 10-Minuten Museum Mathematik der Klimakrise von August 2023 bis Januar 2024 die Sonderausstellung DAS KLIMA im LWL-Museum für Naturkunde in Münster. Ein vielfältiges Rahmenprogramm ermöglichte großen und kleinen Interessierten, das Thema zu vertiefen. Hier finden Sie Videoaufzeichnungen von einigen Vorträgen und Foto-Impressionen.

© MM

Portraits of Mathematics Münster's members

With the series "Portraits of MM members", we would like to introduce you to the scientists of Mathematics Münster. Through short texts and interviews, you will learn more about the main focus of their research, their careers and which aspects of mathematics they find particularly beautiful. The series is constantly being expanded.

© MM

Inspiring video series: "Behind the Science"

With the video series "Behind the Science" we take a look behind the scenes and learn more about outstanding mathematicians: How did they come to their scientific findings? In addition to all the genius, was there perhaps a little luck involved? Which ups and downs can research bring? The interviews provide inspiring and motivating insights.

© Uni MS/Peter Leßmann

For children and teenagers

Supporting young maths talents and offering insights into the study programme and work of mathematicians: The Cluster of Excellence in Mathematics Münster and the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science make this possible through offers such as workshops, a summer academy, videos and short lectures. Check out this overview of upcoming and past activities for children and teenagers!

© MM

Women in Maths

Gain interesting insight into the work of female mathematicians: We have compiled portraits, videos and further information about female professors, postdocs and PhD researchers.

© MM/vl

Vivid insight: videos of investigators' talks

We provide a lot of information about the three mathematical research areas of our Cluster. You will also find links to recent videos of talks given by our investigators. This offer should give you a vivid insight into the researchers’ work.

Insights - interviews, videos and much more

Learn more about mathematical research in Münster!
© MM/vl

New episode "On a Tangent"

with Azul Fatalini

In this episode of our podcast "On A Tangent", Simone is joined by Azul Fatalini, a doctoral researcher in Set Theory. Learn about how the Axiom of Choice transforms the universes it holds in, how logic is the mathematics of mathematics, and what’s the quickest path to ice cream.

© MM/vl

New mathematical proof helps to solve equations with random components

Publication in "Inventiones Mathematicae" by Markus Tempelmayr

Many dynamic processes can be described by stochastic partial differential equations. Together with other researchers, Dr. Markus Tempelmayr, Postdoc at Mathematics Münster, has found a new method which helps to solve a certain class of such equations.

© MM/vl

New episode of "On a Tangent"

with Mert Bastug

In the second episode of our Mathematics Münster podcast "On A Tangent", host Simone Ramello meets Mert Bastug, a doctoral researcher in PDEs and Calculus of Variations. They talk about Mert’s first meeting with mathematics, how it is possible to understand materials with the help of PDEs, and where they might take us next.

© MM/Ramello

New video series: MM Conversations

Early career researchers in dialogue

The final video of "MM Conversations", filmed at the Mathematics Müsnter Mid-term Conference 2024, is now online. The interview by Rodrigo Bazaes, postdoctoral researcher at our Cluster, with Alice Guionnet from the Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon can be viewed from today.

© MM/vl

New podcast "On a Tangent"

First episode with Alex Tullini

In the first episode of our new Mathematics Münster podcast "On A Tangent", host Simone Ramello is joined by Alex Tullini, a doctoral researcher in General Relativity. We discuss Alex’s journey towards mathematics, going through oranges, eclipses, and the odd similarities between a career in mathematics and surgery.

© Peter Badge / Typos1 / Abel Prize 2024

Michel Talagrand receives Abel Prize

Matthias Löwe gives a short insight into his work

The French mathematician Michel Talagrand was awarded the prestigious Abel Prize this year, one of the highest honours in mathematics. Over decades, Talagrand has developed a number of methods to better understand random processes. They are also used at the Cluster of Excellence Mathematics Münster.

© DFG/David Ausserhofer

What is Eva Viehmann's research about?

An approximation to the research of the 2024 Leibniz Prize winner

Prof. Dr. Eva Viehmann, investigator at Mathematics Münster, has been awarded the Leibniz Prize 2024 for her influential work on arithmetic algebraic geometry as part of the Langlands Programme. Prof. Dr. Urs Hartl, Dr. Stefania Trentin and Dr. João Lourenço, mathematicians from Eva Viehmann's research environment, provide insights into this complex field of research. Their contributions for mathematical laypersons, maths students and the mathematical community allow an approach in several stages.

© WiRe/Nikolaus Urban

How can mathematics help to reduce confusion in information transmission?

Insights by our Young Research Fellow Priyanga Ganesan

Explore how mathematics enhances information transmission. Journey through Quantum Information Theory’s role, touching on quantum graphs, operator algebras, and their impact on secure communication channels. The text was written by Dr. Priyanga Ganesan, who spent several months as a Young Research Fellow and WiRe Fellow last year at Mathematics Münster.

© MM/vl

Die faszinierenden Brücken zwischen Geometrie und Topologie

Video des Vortrags von Prof. Sebastian Hensel jetzt online

Mit einem sehr anschaulichen Vortrag mit vielen animierten Darstellungen brachte Prof. Dr. Sebastian Hensel (LMU München) bei der jüngsten Ausgabe der öffentlichen Reihe "Brücken in der Mathematik" dem Publikum die Verbindungen zwischen Geometrie und Topologie näher - angefangen mit klassischen Resultaten von Gauß und Euler, bis hin zu ganz moderner Mathematik aus dem 21. Jahrhundert. Wer die Veranstaltung verpasst hat, kann jetzt die Videoaufzeichung des Vortrags anschauen.

© MM/vl

"Mathematics helped me overcome boredom"

Portrait of Christopher Deninger in the university newspaper

He discovered his love of mathematics in Tokyo when he was about twelve years old. He later studied mathematics and earned his doctorate at the age of only 23. On the occasion of his 65th birthday this year, the university newspaper "wissen|leben" presents a portrait of our Cluster spokesperson Prof. Dr. Christopher Deninger. It's about mathematics - but also about metal concerts.

© WIRE/Nikolaus Urban

"Women in Research" interview with Priyanga Ganesan

Dr. Priyanga Ganesan, current Young Research Fellow at our Cluster and WiRE Fellow at Münster University, answered 33 questions on her research, challenges and funny moments in science, and her experiences at Mathematics Münster.