
Successful start with Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Lück
The first speaker of the new series "Brücken in der Mathematik" was Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Lück from the University of Bonn on 2 July 2019. His lecture was entitled "The Language, the Fascination and the Meaning of Mathematics". The topologist, former professor at the University of Münster, gave many entertaining examples.
He showed the audience that mathematics is like a complicated language - if you master it, the beauty of mathematics can be better understood. Its importance for everyday life should not be underestimated: Using a simple example, he showed how the Hamming code helps to correct errors in data transmissions such as CDs. He also gave a little insight into his own field of research: "Topologists can actually tell a coffee cup from a doughnut, but they don't want to," he said with a smile. Supported by many pictures, he explained which structures can be transformed into others by forming, i.e. which are "homeomorphic" in the technical language.
"It was fun to listen to Professor Lück. He explained the topics so humorously and in such detail that we were able to follow them without any previous knowledge," said Ute Buer from Münster-Hiltrup, who attended the lecture together with her husband. "It was also nice to feel his enthusiasm for mathematics." Afterwards ther was the opportunity to talk over snacks and drinks.