Celebrating May 12 at Mathematics Münster

At Mathematics Münster, we are celebrating gender diversity with several events and digital activities throughout the week from 13-17 May 2024 in the context of the May12 initiative.

Join in! Everybody is invited. We especially encourage FLINTA* people to join.


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  • Thursday: Prof. Dr. Claudia Alfes (Uni Bielfeld) at the Wilhelm Killing Colloquium.
    © MM/vl
  • Thursday: Prof. Dr. Claudia Alfes (Uni Bielfeld) at the Wilhelm Killing Colloquium.
    © MM/vl
  • Wednesday: Coffee after FLINTA* lunch.
    © MM/mg
  • Tuesday: Networking at the FLINTA* dinner of the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science.
    © MM/vl
  • Tuesday: Networking at the FLINTA* dinner of the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science.
    © MM/vl
  • Tuesday: Networking at the FLINTA* dinner of the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science.
    © MM/vl
  • Monday: Film screening in the Common Room.
    © MM/vl


Monday, 13 May, 1:00 pm, Common Room
Screening of  the short films "Alicia Boole in the land of polytopes" and "Kovalevskaya' Spinning Top"
Tuesday, 14 May, 6:30 pm, tba
We invite FLINTA* people for a get-together dinner. Please register for the event under gleich10@uni-muenster.de.
Wednesday, 15 May, 12:30 pm, in front of Orléans-Ring 10
Organised by the Equal Opportunity Commitee, this lunch is supposed to create a safe and friendly space for FLINTA* early career researchers to connect during lunch.
Thursday, 16 May, 2:15 pm, M4
Colloquium Wilhelm Killing with Prof. Dr. Claudia Alfes-Neumann
Friday, 17 March, 2:00 pm, SRZ 216/217
MMConnect: May 12 special
Join us to welcome Raquel Murat and Bahareh Yousefi as new doctoral researchers of the Cluster. After the presentations, there will be time to chat over a coffee together.

Organising team: Antje Dabeler, Zahra Mohammadi Khangheshlaghi, Theresa Simon and Andrea Vaccaro

Monday, 13 May, 1:00 pm, Common Room
© arte

Screening of animated documentaries

This year, the May12 initiative offers free screenings of the two 11 minutes-length animated documentaries "Alicia Boole in the land of polytopes /Alicia Boole au pays des polytopes" and "Kovaleskaya' Spinning Top/La toupie de Kovaleskaya". They are part of the animated documentary series titled "Journeys in the Land of Math/ Voyage au pays des maths" created by Denis Van Waerebeke (see french YouTube channel). The screened movies are co-written by the mathematician Olga Paris-Romaskevich.

Thursday, 16 May, 2:15 pm, M4
© Universität Bielefeld

Colloquium Wilhelm Killing with Prof. Dr. Claudia Alfes-Neumann

Prof. Dr. Claudia Alfes-Neumann (Universität Bielefeld) will give a talk on "Modular forms and their generalizations in number theory and geometry" at the Colloquium Wilhelm Killing. Abstract: In this talk we introduce modular forms and harmonic weak Maass forms, real-analytic generalizations of holomorphic modular forms. We present applications of the theory in number theory and in the theory of elliptic curves.

Logo of Podcast On a Tangent
© MM/vl

Join our new podcast!

Our new podcast "On a Tangent" focuses on the Early Career Researchers at Mathematics Münster. In the first episode, Alex Tullini, doctoral researcher in the field of general relativity, gives insights into their research and their journey towards mathematics.


Mathematics Münster supports "European Women in Mathematics"

We are delighted to announce that Mathematics Münster is now an institutional member of "European Women in Mathematics". EWM is an association of female mathematicians. Promoting the role of women in mathematics and strengthening connections across the European community of mathematicians is the primary goal of EWM. With the help of the instiutional members EWM is able to offer travel grants, organize panel discussions and providing a plattform to communicate.

About the International Women in Maths Day

The day is a great opportunity for the mathematical community around the world to celebrate women in mathematics and make their achievements more visible. The aim is to inspire people and promote an open, welcoming and inclusive working environment for all.

May 12th is the date of birth of Maryam Mirzakhani, the first and one of only two female winners of the Fields Medal. She died from cancer in 2017 at the early age of 40. Her beautiful and astonishing results and her life and career are an inspiration for everyone, women and men, to pursue their dreams in science. Her birthday was chosen to celebrate Women in Mathematics in her memory.

More information on the May12 initiative: may12.womeninmaths.org

Explanation of FLINTA*: This German acronym stands for women, lesbians, inter, non-binary, trans and agender people. The * is meant to include all people who do not identify with the terms mentioned, but are patriarchally discriminated against because of their gender.