MMGS Events

In addition to an excellent mathematical education, another focus of the MMGS is on personal development. To this end, a continuously growing range of events is offered to MMGS students. Networking among each other at the annual retreat or with other cluster members in MM Connect, as well as broadening horizons beyond mathematics in the event 'Mathematics meets Business' as a cooperation with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (IHK) are just a few examples that set this focus..
© wwu/bantje

MMGS Retreat

The MMGS Retreat is an annual event for MMGS students. Outside the university premises, they have the opportunity to broaden their professional and mathematical horizons and build lasting professional relationships.

© MM/vl

MM Connect

The event series "MM Connect" offers young scientists of the MMGS the opportunity to exchange ideas regularly, with each other and the Postdocs of the Cluster of excellence. Doctoral researchers can present themselves and their research project (MM Arrival), say goodbye when the next career step is due (MM Departure) and exchange basic ideas and concepts (MM Common Ground).

© MM/vl

MMGS PhD Seminar

The MMGS PhD Seminar takes place annually during the lecture-free period in the winter semester. The goal is to provide doctoral students with the opportunity to present their research area in a pleasant atmosphere. It helps bridging the gaps between the mathematical fields at the level of doctoral students and allows the audience to expand their mathematical horizon beyond their own research area.

© Busch/IHK Nord Westfalen

Mathematics meets Business

Members of the MMGS and other institutes at the University of Münster meet executives from leading technology companies in the Münsterland region at "Mathematics meets Business." The event is a building block for long-term knowledge transfer, from which companies in the Münsterland region and the Mathematics Münster excellence cluster are expected to benefit equally.

© MM/vl

Fireside Chat

At the fireplace chats, individuals who are involved with mathematics in the broadest sense have the opportunity to share their personal perspectives on mathematical topics and their experiences. The goal of these conversations is to broaden perspectives and look beyond the boundaries of academic research in mathematics.