MMGS Poster Session

We designed the Poster Session with the idea of offering an informal place to present and discuss your research to your peers and the other members of the Cluster. We strongly encourage you to try out new presentation ideas, even if they sound outlandish or “not serious enough”! You can present a poster about your project even if you don’t have results yet, or feel like there is “nothing to be said”: your fellow PhD students probably don’t know what you might consider very basic, so feel free to use the poster to introduce some ideas and questions, even if you didn’t answer them yet. Also, it is a great opportunity to create and present your first poster at your “home field”, which will make presenting one at your first conference less time consuming, less stressful, and easier. You’ll find out: it's never too early to present a poster!

If you want to contribute in the next poster session or help organizing it, don't hesitate to get in touch with your PhD representatives!

  • 2024 edition

    The 2024 edition takes place on July 10th at 2PM in the second floor of the SRZ building. 

    The session will start with a “Poster Blitz,” where you'll have two to three minutes to give a quick teaser of your research.

    🏆 We will also be awarding prizes for the posters and presentations! The categories are the following:

    Accessibility: How understandable is your poster to a non-specialist audience? Is there a clear story being told?
    Design: Is it well-structured? Does the graphical element support the content, or does it make it harder to understand?
    Engagement: This is about you! Did you present your poster well? Did you interact with your audience?
    Innovation: Does your poster have some interesting new idea, some outrageous new presentation technique?

    To help you prepare your posters, we are planning a design-a-poster marathon on June 19th: we’ll meet from 4pm in the SRZ Lounge to prepare the posters together. We’ll provide with food and drinks, you just need to bring a laptop and a lot of ideas 😉 
    Find attached the official MMGS Poster Template.

    Please register for the Poster Session by sending Isabel, Simone or David an email before Wednesday 19th. Specify if you’d like to participate in the marathon, so that we’ll be able to prepare the right amount of food and drinks.

    We hope to see many of you, both presenting a poster of yours and supporting the other participants!