New research project on attitude communication by companies launched
(02.11.24) There is growing pressure on companies to speak out and position themselves on socio-political issues and events. Stakeholders such as customers, politicians and investors expect companies to take a stance on issues and events that are the subject of critical and often polarised debate in society. A new research project by the two departments Strategic Communication I (Prof. Dr Ulrike Röttger) and II (Prof. Dr Helena Stehle) at the Department of Communication Studies is exploring the significance, design and challenges of attitude communication.
Attitudinal communication has not yet been clearly defined in research and practice on strategic communication. The field is characterised by unclear terminology and diffuse references to existing targets and other fields of corporate communication such as values or CSR communication. As part of the research project, questions regarding motives, strategic planning and the operational implementation of attitude communication will be addressed accordingly. To this end, communication managers from large and medium-sized companies are asked for their assessments and experiences by means of a Q-Sort survey.
The research project is being carried out by Prof. Dr Helena Stehle, Prof. Dr Ulrike Röttger and Julia Lührmann M. A. and is therefore a collaborative project between the two departments on strategic communication at the Department of Communication Studies. The Günter Thiele Foundation for Communication & Management (Leipzig) is funding the project with 32,000 euros. It will start in November 2024 and run for 12 months.
Contact person public relations:
Dr. Stephan Völlmicke
Telefon: +49 251 83-23006
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