Münster Centre for Emerging Researchers (CERes)

Welcome to the website of the Münster Centre for Emerging Researchers (CERes). In 2023, the former WWU Graduate Centre became a research centre. As such, we continue to accompany you as an internal academy, dear doctoral researchers and postdocs, on the paths you take in your training. In close proximity to research, as well as working closely with the faculties – and also with a view to a variety of career paths – we contribute to a research culture which lives up to its responsibilities to society, makes emerging researchers strong and raises their visibility.

Digital workshop series
© Uni Münster – Web und Design

Discover the potential of GenAI for your academic practice

In eight interactive Zoom sessions, you will learn through hands-on exercises and case studies how to use generative AI tools efficiently, effectively, and innovatively – including for your literature review process, research methodology, innovation, teaching, and writing. This training is ideal for curious researchers with little to no prior knowledge, as well as those with basic knowledge and experience. Sign up now!

Researchers share their experiences
© iStock/Rebecca Meier

Sharing informal knowledge

What actually happens behind the doors of professorial appointments committee? Have excellent researchers ever met a Reviewer 2? Unwritten rules, unspoken expectations, unofficial standards, hidden messages – some call it the “hidden curriculum” or implicit knowledge. We bare all! Learn more about this hybrid series entitled “Spill the tea!”

Walk & Talk Sessions in the Botanical Garden
© Peter Leßmann/Rebecca Meier

Exchange with peers – in motion

Would you like to take a short break and network across faculties, but at the same time wish to spend some time outdoors and go for a walk? If so, our Walk & Talk series is the right choice for you!
We meet during lunch time and exchange ideas on chosen topics in a casual atmosphere while walking in the Botanical Garden. Find more information on our Walk & Talk series.

CERes Take-Off Days 2024
© Roland Baege

Looking back at the Take-Off Days

Would you have guessed that it took James Dyson more than 5,000 prototypes to create a working bagless vacuum cleaner, or that Albert Einstein’s dissertation was initially rejected? With these and further examples from his keynote speech on the topic of expectations, Jun.-Prof. Philipp Schäpers opened the event week for doctoral and postdoctoral researchers. Learn more.

Applications now open
© Ylanite/Pixabay

Funding for your international mobility

Early Career Researchers of the University of Münster can apply for travel grants for laboratory and/or research visits as well as active conference and summer school participations.

The SAIL Mobility Fund funds research visits abroad of doctoral researchers and postdocs up to three years after their doctorate who have little or no access to funding.

Students and doctoral researchers can apply for the Santander-Mobility Fund for research visits in Germany and abroad.