Small University ABC

Explanations of terms and abbreviations that you come across in everyday university life

A | B | D | E | F | H | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | Z



Academic Quarter ('c.t.' and 's.t.')

Abbreviation of 'cum tempore' (with time) and 'sine tempore' (without time). S.t. means that the course starts at 10 a.m. sharp, for example. C.t. means that the course starts 15 minutes later and also ends 15 minutes earlier. C.t. is the general rule and usually is not explicitly mentioned.


The debate about chances and risks of AI-driven technologies like ChatGPT has been present at universities for some time now. It seems certain that AI-systems will deeply change the way we study, teach and conduct research.
In regards to Course Work (Studienleistungen) and Examination Requirements (Prüfungsleistungen) the Department of History wishes to clarify: The ability to develop and verbally express your own original thoughts about a certain topic is a main qualification goal of a history study program. We therefore consider the unmarked usage of texts created by a generative AI (such as ChatGPT) in the context of Course Work and Examination Requirements as a form of academic misconduct and an unallowable attempt of deception.

Alma Mater

Derived from Latin 'alma' (nourishing; kind) and 'mater' (mother), this term designates the university.

Anwesenheitspflicht (Compulsory attendance)

Since 2016, there has been an internal rule within the teaching unit of History stipulating that practice-oriented courses and introductory seminars (Proseminare) continue to require regular, i.e. compulsory attendance. All other courses are no longer subject to compulsory attendance. However, this does not mean that there is no need to attend them or can be attended sporadically! Students are expected to catch up on the missed subject material at home and to familiarize themselves with the topic on their own. The contents will be tested in the final oral examination at the latest, regardless of whether you were present or not.


Short for 'auditorium maximum'; it is the largest lecture hall of the university and is located in Johannisstraße 12.


Bachelor's Thesis

Here is some basic information on how to format and submit the Bachelor's thesis:

Formatting Justification, 1.5 line spacing, Margins: left: 2 cm, right: 4 cm Font size: 12 p Font type: Times New Roman or Calibri
Contents of the title page Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, Semester, Department of History / Institute for Ancient History Middle: Thesis for the award of the Bachelor's degree, below the title of the paper, below the subtitle Page bottom: Information on the author (first name, surname, address, telephone, email, subject area, semester, matriculation number)
Processing time Usually 8 weeks (Please refer to Exam Regulations)
Review period 6 weeks

Further information on registration modalities is available here 


Dr. Thomas Tippach and Dr. Eva Baumkamp are authorized to issue BAföG certificates for the subject area of History. Please hand in the correct form as well as a copy of your QISPOS records issued by the Examination Office, which serves as proof of the credit points you have earned so far.


Data Bases & Online Dictionaries for Your History Studies



After enrollment you will receive a University of Münster email address. You can manage your email account via the central email server PerMail as well as via standard email programs such as Outlook or Thunderbird. Please note that you cannot forward the incoming emails to a private email account. 


If you plan a study visit abroad, the Department of History and the Institute for Ancient History offer numerous opportunities to study in other European countries with an ERASMUS study grant. In addition, the Department of History provides information and counselling on special programs beyond ERASMUS. Click here for more information.

Exmatriculation (De-registration)

An exmatriculation occurs in the following cases: You have successfully completed your studies. You have not paid the tuition fee in time after having been reminded once. You have failed an exam that is part of the exam regulations (Prüfungsordnung) three times. With the exmatriculation being forwarded, you have been de-registered as a student at the University of Münster. If you want to take up your studies again, you need to re-enroll. However, if you have failed the same exam three times, it is no longer possible to re-enroll for the same subject.


Fachschaft (Student Representation) History

The History Student Body of the University of Münster represents the interests of History students and is active in the field of university politics. It organizes events and study trips as well as the orientation week. All students are cordially invited to take part in the student body work. Click here for more information on the History Student Body. 

Fachsemester (Subject-related Semester)

denotes the number of semesters that have been completed within a certain degree program. Semesters abroad and internships are included. University semesters, on the other hand, cover the entire period in which you were enrolled at universities.

F 33

Room F 33 is not easy to find. It is located on the ground floor/first floor between the two glass entrance doors of the left wing entrance in the inner courtyard (looking at the entrance door of the library). Room Plan 

Fristenbriefkasten (Deadline Postbox)

It may happen that on the day of the deadline for a Bachelor's or Master's thesis, the Examination Office does not offer an office hour or that the student cannot hand in the thesis personally on time. In order to still submit the thesis on time, the University has set up a deadline postbox, in which students can drop the documents by 11:59 p.m. and thus meet the deadline. Theses or application forms posted after midnight are automatically recognized by the deadline postbox as received on the following day and treated accordingly. The deadline postbox is located in front of the Schloss at the right hand side (Schlossplatz 2) and is clearly marked with the words "FRISTEN". Make sure that the documents you intend to post are no thicker than 5 cm. In such case, split it into several envelopes.


Hausarbeit (Term Paper)

Requirement to be submitted by students in writing. Depending on the seminar type, the length of the term paper may vary. A term paper often looks more deeply into the topic of the presentation held beforehand, or it expands on the topic of the seminar.

Statement on Plagiarism by the PA I

HisLSF / Qispos

The central online platform of Münster University, via which students can register for courses and exams. Qispos also provides an overview of exams that have already been completed. 



Abbreviation of "Kommentiertes Vorlesungsverzeichnis" (Annotated Course Catalog). This is no longer being created. Please refer to HisLSF and the Modulvorspann for details about the contents and requirements of the seminars, as well as to consult the reference list. It is strongly recommended to check the information on rooms and dates regularly, as changes may occur on short notice.



is the central online learning platform of Münster University. Teaching staff and students can upload working material, presentations for lectures, and handouts and share them with the seminar group. Learnweb also provides a discussion forum in which seminar-related topics can be discussed. Please note that almost all courses are password-protected! The lecturer will let you know the password at the beginning of the course. You can find the Learnweb homepage here


All students who until winter semester 2015/16 completed the course Latin II at Münster University, have proven Latin proficiency in the scope of the "Kleines Latinum". This certificate meets the requirement as stipulated in § 11, section 2 LZV. Starting in the summer semester of 2016, the exams for the Latin II courses will take place centrally. The certificates issued by the Institute for Classical Philology correspond to the knowledge level required in § 11, section 2 LZV.

Leistungspunkte (Credit Points)

Credit points are the documentation of the ideal workload calculated over an entire semester. One credit point equals a workload of 30 hours.



Abbreviation of "Modulabschlussprüfung" (Module Exam). As the name suggests, you have to pass this exam to complete a module. All topics covered in the seminar as well as those of the lecture and the exercise can be part of the exam. Therefore, you should make sure to attend the lectures regularly, even if there is no obligation to attend.

Matriculation Number

At the moment of enrollment you will receive your personal matriculation number. It will identifiy you as a student of the University of Münster for as long as you are enrolled at the University. It enables the anonymized disclosure of personal data, such as exam results.


A module does not necessarily have to be completed in one semester. It can also be stretched over 2 semesters, but should be completed by then at the latest.

Oral Master's Examination

The grades of the final oral examinations (MAP) in the Master of Arts program (examination regulations 2015) must be entered in QISPOS. For all students in the Master of Arts program whose grades are still recorded in the study book (start of studies until summer semester 2015), the existing practice will remain. Further Information



Abbreviation of "nomen nominandum" (Name yet to be named). If this abbreviation is used in the course catalog, it means that no lecturer has yet been assigned to the course in question.


Abbreviation of "numerus clausus". In order to avoid an imbalance of applicants compared to the number of free study places, the N.C. is employed in many degree programs. The grade of the higher education entrance qualification is the most important factor for admission, but the number of semesters students have already waited for a study place is also considered.


Orientation Week

The orientation week always takes place in the first week of every winter semester and helps first-year students to familiarize themselves with everyday student life. Questions revolving around the University, courses and student life are answered. The orientation week and the introductory events are organized by the study coordinators and the student body of the faculty (Fachschaft Geschichte).


Plagiatserklärung (Statement on Plagiarism)

A statement on Plagiarism needs to be included at the end of every written paper. You are invited to use the template provided by the Prüfungsamt I.

Statement on Plagiarism by the PA I

Proseminarwahlen (Selection of "Proseminare")

The allocation of the "Proseminare" is carried out in a distribution procedure. Students need to choose 3 possible "Proseminare" from one and the same era in order to obtain 1 course via the online portal HISLSF/QISPOS. The results can be looked up in the SESAM portal.

Praktikum (Internship)

Career-oriented internships outside the university can be credited within the framework of the Zwei-Fach-Bachelor (Allgemeine Studien = General Studies) and the Master of Arts History (practical module). Please contact the "Schnittstelle Geschichte & Beruf" for details about internships and crediting. Information on internships within the framework of teacher training programs (Eignungs-, Orientierungs-, Berufsfeldpraktikum) can be obtained from the Center for Teacher Training (Zentrum für Lehrerbildung).

Prüfungsberechtigte (Authorized Examiners)

The Examination Office I provides a list of all authorized examiners on its website. It allows you to check whether the person you would like to take your exam is authorized to do so. Authorized examiners for Bachelor and Master

Prüfungsleistung (Examination Requirement)

Examination requirements are graded requirements that have to be fulfilled in order to successfully complete a module / course.


QISPOS registration

All Bachelor's programs in History require a binding registration for courses via the online portal Qispos.



Rechtsgeschichte (Legal History)

History students (Bachelor and Master) can acquire a certificate in legal history. This flyer provides detailed information on the certificate.

Rückmeldung (Re-registration) / Semester fee

All students have to pay a compulsory semester fee. You will be informed accordingly as soon as the fee for the new semester is due. If you miss the payment deadline or if you do not pay the fee deliberately, you will be de-registered.
Once you have paid the fee, you have re-registered and you will receive your documents for the coming semester. A current overview of the semester fees is available here.


Semester Dates

The summer semester starts on April 1st of an academic year and ends on September 30th. Accordingly, each winter semester begins on October 1st and ends on March 30th. Click here to consult the lecture-free periods and holidays.


Opportunities to apply for scholarships are regularly communicated to the Department of History. They are announced on our welcome page. Furthermore, the University of Münster offers its own scholarship program called ProTalent. Click here to gain further information on the program. 

Studienleistungen (Course Work)

In contrast to Prüfungsleistungen (examination requirements), Studienleistungen (course work) can be graded or ungraded and must be fulfilled for the successful completion of a module/course. If the course work in question requires grading, the latter can also be included in the overall grade.

Stundenplan (Timetable)

There are no set timetables as you know them from school. Instead, different modules need to be completed. There is an overview of all the modules under the heading "courses". Within the subject area of history, there are only a few rules regarding the order of the modules. At the beginning of the program, students must complete the introductory modules of the different eras, which are composed of a two-hour introductory lecture and a four-hour Proseminar. At the compulsory semester introduction meeting, students will be divided into groups in order to guarantee an adequate number of participants in the courses for every era. Only after this distribution can you take part in the Proseminar distribution procedure.



The Zentrum für Lehrerbildung (Center for Teacher Training) promotes the academic teacher education on an interdisciplinary basis. The ZfL's competence includes student counselling, program coordination, practical phases (Praxisphasen) as well as research, transfer and further education. If you wish to enroll in a teacher training program, the ZfL will be happy to answer your questions. Here you can find further information.