Dean's Office

The Dean’s Office serves as a liaison between the faculty’s institutes, the central administrative bodies of the university, and external parties. The Dean and his team oversee the strategic development of the faculty with regard to research and teaching.

Ingrid Denker
Ingrid Denker
T: 0251 83-24011
F: 0251 83-25344
Consultation hours: Mo. - Do.: 9 - 12 und 14 - 16:30 Uhr, Fr.: 9 - 12 Uhr
Anastasia Castillo Alvarenga M.A.
© Dekanat
Anastasia Castillo Alvarenga M.A.
T: 0251 83-29336
F: 0251 83-25344
Consultation hours: Mo. - Do.: 9 - 13 Uhr, Fr.: 9 -12 Uhr
Barbara Gerdemann
Barbara Gerdemann
T: 0251 83-29331
F: 0251 83-25 344
Consultation hours: Mo. - Fr.: 9 - 12 Uhr

Academic Staff

Dipl.- Päd.  Christian Weyer
© C. Weyer
Dipl.- Päd. Christian Weyer
T: 0251 83-24010
F: 0251 83-25344
Consultation hours: on appointment

Research associate of the Dean of Studies