© wbv Verlag
© Bundesinstitut für Berufsbildung
© Franca Porsch, FH Münster

On the 9th of april, Dr Wilhelm Koschel and Katharina Kettler presented selected study results from the LimCare project to practice instructors. The 33 participating practice instructors were given an insight into the empirical findings that emerged from the preliminary study. Through the interactive workshop, the LimCare team was able to validate the preliminary study results once again and the practice instructors were given the opportunity to engage with the topic of hermeneutic case understanding.

© wbv Verlag

Edited volume on workplace education personnel published

Prof. Dr. Ulrike Weyland is a co-editor of the newly released publication „Betriebliches Bildungspersonal als Promotor betrieblicher Bildungsprozesse. Zur Legitimation und Konzeption berufsbegleitender Studienangebote". The edited volume, published by wbv-Verlag, presents key findings and results of the HumanTec research project, which focused on developing part-time study programs for the professionalization of vocational training personnel in the human services and technology sectors. The Vocational-Education Workgroup also contributed to several chapters in the new volume.


Successful execution of an expert workshop for the LimCare project

On February 6th, 2024, as part of the preliminary study for the LimCare project, an expert workshop took place in the castle of the University of Münster. The workshop aimed to validate the results of the preliminary study through selected experts. After an introduction by the overall project manager, Prof. Dr. Ulrike Weyland, the results of the preliminary study were presented, followed by the resulting theoretical modelling. Subsequently, experts from theory and practice in the field of vocational education (in-company training) in the context of the nursing profession had time to discuss selected results of the quantitative and qualitative preliminary study.
Further information can be found on the project's homepage.