On this page you will find numerous special contributions for the scientific community (e.g. editorships) from the Vocational Education Working Group from recent years. These are listed chronologically. A complete overview of all scientific publications and lectures by current and some former members of the Working Group can be found here.

© wbv Verlag
© Bundesinstitut für Berufsbildung
Company training staff
© wbv Verlag

Edited volume on in-company training staff published

Prof. Dr. Ulrike Weyland is co-editor of the new publication "Betriebliches Bildungspersonal als Promotor betrieblicher Bildungsprozesse. Zur Legitimation und Konzeption berufsbegleitender Studienangebote". The anthology, published by wbv-Verlag, presents key findings and results of the HumanTec research project, in which part-time study programmes were developed to professionalise vocational training staff in the human services and technology sectors. The Vocational Education Working Group is also involved in several contributions to the new volume.

Serious Games
© Eusl Verlag

Publication of the themed booklet on Serious Games

Prof. Dr. Josef Rützel, Prof. Dr. Ulrike Weyland and Wilhelm Koschel are responsible for the current issue of the professional journal 'berufsbildung - Zeitschrift für Theorie-Praxis-Dialog', which focuses on the topic of Serious Games. In addition to the editorship of this issue, the special issue includes a framework contribution on the topic of Serious Games by Prof. Dr. Ulrike Weyland and Wilhelm Koschel, as well as further articles by Wilhelm Koschel on the aspects of immersion, storytelling and Serious Games as a concept.
The special issue contains the following articles (selection):

  • Auf die Pädagog_innen kommt es an – Serious Games produktiv einsetzen (It all depends on the educators - using serious games productively) (Josef Rützel)
  • Potenziale von Serious Games für die Berufsbildung 4.0 (The potential of Serious Games for Vocational Education 4.0) (Wilhelm Koschel & Ulrike Weyland)
  • Empfehlungen aus der Praxis für den Einsatz von Serious Games in formalen Bildungskontexten (Practical recommendations for the use of Serious Games in formal educational contexts) (Heinrich Söbke & Thomas Bröker)
  • Serious Games in der Sportwissenschaft - Methoden und Instrumente/innovative Praxisbeispiele (Serious games in sports science - methods and instruments/innovative practical examples) (Joesef Wiemeyer)
  • Berufswahl von Schülerinnen und Schülern mit Serious Games fördern - Das Spiel like2be und seine Wirksamkeit (Promoting students' career choices with serious games - The game like2be and its effectiveness) (Elena Makarova & Christopher Keller)
  • Effekte von Serious Games auf die Berufsorientierung im Bereich Technik (Effects of serious games on career guidance in the field of technology) (Pia Spangenberger, Felix Kapp, Linda Kruse, Nadine Matthes & Susanne Narciss)
  • Spielerisch durch die Berufsschule mit Hilfe von DigiGaMe (Playfully through vocational school with the help of DigiGaMe) (Wolfgang Brabänder & Noureddine Bejjati)
  • Erfassung und Training von Klassenführungskompetenzen mittels agenten-basierter Computer-Simulationen (Assessment and training of classroom management skills using agent-based computer simulations) (Michael D. Kickmeier-Rust & Manuel Pasieka)
  • Die Rolle von Emotion im Spielprozess von Serious Games (The role of emotion in the play process of serious games) (Valentin Riemer)
  • Begriffsdefinitionen zu Serious Games, Immersion und Storytelling (Definitions of terms relating to Serious Games, immersion, and storytelling) (Wilhelm Koschel)

Yearbook of Vocational and Economic Education
© Verlag Barbara Budrich

Newly published:

Eveline Wittmann, Dietmar Frommberger, Ulrike Weyland (Eds.)
Jahrbuch der berufs- und wirtschaftspädagogischen Forschung 2019
"The Yearbook of Vocational and Economic Education provides an overview of the current state of relevant research. This format takes into account the broad thematic and methodological spectrum of research and theory development in vocational and business education. This year's volume brings together contributions that were presented to a wider specialist audience for the first time at the conference of the Vocational and Economic Education Section of the DGfE. The contributions were subjected to a review process." (translated book description of the publisher)

Practical teaching physiotherapy
© Thieme

Newly published:

Beate Klemme, Ulrike Weyland, Jan Harms (Eds.)
Praktische Ausbildung in der Physiotherapie
"Learning on patients. Practical teaching on and with patients forms the centrepiece of physiotherapy training and studies. During the internship, it is not only the physiotherapists-to-be who are under great pressure, but also their teachers. This book provides physiotherapy internship supervisors with suggestions and support for their daily work. Among other things, you will learn - what the legal foundations of training on patients are - what role you should play as an internship supervisor - how to support students in effectively transferring the content they have learnt in practical lessons to their work with patients - how to structure training on patients in a meaningful way - what diverse pedagogical and didactic resources are available to you for this - how to demonstrate therapies effectively and how to give sustainable and motivating feedback. Draw on the concentrated practical knowledge of pedagogical professionals and prepare future physiotherapists in the best possible way for the time after their training. " (translated book description of the publisher)

Long-term internship
© Waxmann Verlag

Newly published:

Julia Košinár, Alexander Gröschner, Ulrike Weyland (Eds.)
Langzeitpraktika als Lernräume
Historische Bezüge, Konzeptionen und Forschungsbefunde

"Volume 4 of the IGSP publication series focuses on a little-researched but currently much-discussed format in practical school studies: the long-term internship. In Germany, it is mainly designed as a practical semester, in Switzerland it is often organised as a partner school concept, but despite different concepts, there is a common objective: intensive, realistic practical relevance in a framework that promotes the professionalisation of prospective teachers. This volume offers both historical references, whose significance for the ongoing reforms is discussed, as well as a variety of conceptual considerations that focus on the concrete implementation of support, counselling and cooperation and provide an insight into successful formats. Addressing central desiderata, the present research contributions pursue questions of development and effectiveness on the one hand and analyse the situation and status quo on the other. " (translated book description of the publisher)

Theory and practice of school education

Prof. Dr. Ulrike Weyland has been co-editor of the publication series "Theorie und Praxis der Schulpädagogik" since March 1, 2019

"The volumes in the series “prolog – Theorie und Praxis der Schulpädagogik” (theory and practice of school pedagogy) deal with current issues in school pedagogy. The authors develop, practise, and evaluate models for the practice of teaching in schools. Of particular importance is the combination of theory formation, research, didactic modelling and teaching practice. The models developed have been tested and evaluated by the authors over a longer period of time." (translated description of the publisher's series)
The other editors are the following persons:
Prof. Dr. Klaus Moegling (University of Kassel)
Dr. Catrin Siedenbiedel (University of Kassel)

© Franz Steiner Verlag

Zeitschrift für Berufs- und Wirtschaftspädagogik

Prof. Dr Ulrike Weyland has been co-editor of the „Zeitschrift für Berufs- und Wirtschaftspädagogik“ (Journal for Vocational and Business Education) since 1st January 2019. The other editors are as follows:
Prof. Dr. Bernadette Dilger (University of St. Gallen)
Prof. Dr. Hubert Ertl (Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training, Bonn)
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Seifried (University of Mannheim)
Prof. Dr. Peter F. E. Sloane (Paderborn University)
Prof. Dr. Birgit Ziegler (Technical University of Darmstadt)

Editorial team
Prof. Dr. Ralf Tenberg (responsible) (Technical University of Darmstadt)

Research in vocational education and training

Newly published:

Ulrike Weyland, Karin Reiber (Eds.)
Entwicklungen und Perspektiven in den Gesundheitsberufen – aktuelle Handlungs- und Forschungsfelder
This anthology documents the current state of vocational training research in the field of healthcare professions. Despite their increasing social relevance due to demographic and social change, they have so far been neglected in the discussion on vocational education and training. However, the exchange between science and educational practice is the basis for a structured and prospective further development of the healthcare professions. The authors describe exemplary topics and approaches as an impetus for further research: the need for and recruitment of skilled workers, academisation, competence and competence assessment, qualification of teaching staff.