| Publications

New Working Papers on concurrence of norms and Fraktalität


Two new volumes have been published in the EViR Working Papers series. They present the results of two “Conceptual Forums” organised by Ulrike Ludwig last year. The Kolleg invites experts from various disciplines to these events to discuss current methodological and theoretical ideas for historical-legal-historical work. The contributions and comments can now be read.

Working Paper No 9 focusses on the Conceptual Forum “Concurrence of Norms and Cultural Ambiguity”, held in November 2023. Concurrence of norms – i.e. the coexistence of different, partially conflicting expectations of behavior – is most likely a ubiquitous phenomenon in human societies. However, Hillard von Thiessen characterised the early modern age in Europe as a period of particularly pointed normative concurrence which resulted in casuistry and cultural ambiguity. The productive tension between concurrence of norms as a characteristic feature of a certain era in European history on the one hand and as an epochspanning and culturally pervasive phenomenon on the other hand is a suitable basis for an interdisciplinary and inter-epochal dialogue. In addition to an introductory essay and a concluding commentary by Hillard von Thiessen, the paper comprises seven contributions from the perspectives of history, anthropology, and legal history.

Working Paper No 10 presents the findings of the Conceptual Forum “Fraktalität”, held in October 2023. The term Fraktalität is used by Falk Bretschneider and Christophe Duhamelle to describe the early modern Holy Roman Empire and relate its spatial structures directly to its political and social order. This metaphor, inspired by mathematics, highlights the abundance of internal borders, the absence of a centre or hierarchy of responsibilities, and the interplay of actors’ levels of action. Emerging from both the German and the French tradition, this concept invites us to consider general, regional, imperial, and social history together. Based on Falk Bretschneider’s and Christophe Duhamelle’s essay „Fraktalität. Raumgeschichte und soziales Handeln im Alten Reich“ (2016), eight contributions explore the interdisciplinary potential of the concept. The volume concludes with a commentary by the authors.

EViR Working Paper 9: Ulrike Ludwig (Hrsg.): Konzeptforum Normenkonkurrenz und kulturelle Ambiguität/Conceptual Forum Concurrence of Norms and Cultural Ambiguity

EViR Working Paper 10: Ulrike Ludwig (Hrsg.): Konzeptforum Fraktalität

The EViR Working Papers

The EViR Working Papers are a digital and printed series to publish current research reports, conference papers and joint working papers. It is interdisciplinary and intertemporal in nature and offers a good insight into the diverse research topics of the Kolleg. As an open access publication, it can be accessed via the University’s publication server miami as well as via the website of the Kolleg.