Münster Source Reader on Legal Unity and Pluralism

For several years, phenomena of legal unity and pluralism have been intensively researched from the perspectives of various disciplines and in different periods of time. A productive exchange between the different research communities requires a collection of sources that surpasses generalised explanations. The source reader, which will be successively expanded, brings together materials in visual and textual form as well as transcriptions of the spoken word. It aims to preserve the connection between source genre and disciplinary representation while fostering an interconnected understanding of legal phenomena that transcends national and disciplinary boundaries.

The source reader will be successively expanded and is published as part of the EViR Working Papers (ISSN: 2749-8166 (print), 2749-8174 (online)) freely accessible in open access. Each issue comes with a citable URN and DOI.

Click here for the latest edition of the Münster source reader on Legal Unity and Pluralism

Ulrike Ludwig
Peter Oestmann

Editorial Office
Sophia Mösch

If you have any questions or are interested in contributing, please contact Dr Sophia Mösch, smoesch@uni-muenster.de.

List of all contributions published (as of May 2024)

João Figueiredo: Chapter 2 of the 'Memoria sobre o sertão de Cassange [Report on the Hinterlands of Cassange]' (1867 [1853]) by Francisco de Salles Ferreira (?–1856)

Armando Guevara Gil: Conflicting Jurisdictions and Human Dramas in Early Republican Peru. The Case of Dominga Gutierrez de Cossio

Heikki Pihlajamäki: Colonial Police Ordinances

Jakub Urbanik: The Petition of Dionysia, Daughter of Chairemon. A Witness of Legal Plurality in Roman Egypt: P. Oxy. II 237 (after 27 June 186 CE)