The workshop "Gesellschaftliche Diversität und Phänomene rechtlicher Einheit und Vielfalt in der vormodernen Stadt (I): Handel als Faktor" on 3 December 2021 will take place digitally. For participation via Zoom, registration at is required.
The series of three workshops (in German) is a cooperation with the Institut für vergleichende Städtegeschichte. It will explore the question of how legal plurality and social diversity are interrelated in the pre-modern town and what role different types of towns play in this process. The first part will focus on trading towns.
The first volume of the Kolleg’s new series "Einheit & Vielfalt im Recht / Legal Unity & Pluralism" has just been published. Prof. Dr. Peter Oestmann's German edition of David Mevius' Landrechtsentwurf makes an important source of North German regional and legal history accessible.
The public lecture series of the Käte Hamburger Kolleg "Legal Unity and Pluralism" starts with a varied programme for the winter semester. The lectures focus on different phenomena of the tension between legal unity and pluralism from Roman antiquity to the late Middle Ages. On 25 November, Prof. Dr Karl Ubl from the University of Cologne will speak about two influential narratives in medieval legal history: the "rise of the West" and "political theology". (press release in German)
The homepage of the Käte Hamburger Kolleg has been given a new layout. We are following the newly developed corporate design of the Kolleg, which was created to ensure a higher level of recognition. The menu structure has been left largely unchanged, so that all content should be easy to find. We hope you like the new look and invite you to discover our new site.
On 1 October 2021, Prof. Dr. Patrick Sänger from the University of Münster (WWU) has been assigned the research professorship at the Käte Hamburger Kolleg. The historian and papyrologist is an expert in Hellenistic legal history and will be intensively involved in shaping this winter semester’s programme. The first-time appointment of the research professorship is another important impulse for the interdisciplinary and trans-epochal work of the Kolleg.
On 28 September, the German Federal Constitutional Court (Bundesverfassungsgericht) celebrates its 70th birthday. What led to its founding, what was specifically new about it and what the court’s work means for the rule of law is discussed by our director Prof. Dr. Peter Oestmann in a podcast with the university’s press officer Norbert Robers.
Starting in September, the centre’s current fellows will present their research projects as part of the Digital Fellow Lectures @EViR that will take place via Zoom. Those who want to join a lecture are invited to register via email.
Twice a year we announce fellowships for a stay at the Käte Hamburger Kolleg in Münster. Currently, scholars (post-doc and above) whose work is clearly related to the research topics of the Kolleg can apply for a six- to twelve-month fellowship. The deadline for applications is 30.09.2021.
The News portal of the University of Münster published an interview with our director Professor Peter Oestmann today. Oestmann explains what the Kolleg’s topic of legal pluralism is all about and shows that it is by no means a purely historical phenomenon.
On 1 June 2021, the new Käte Hamburger Kolleg “Legal Unity & Pluralism” (EViR) in Münster started its work. Now we are especially looking forward to welcoming our first fellows. From 1 July, eight scholars from all over the world will conduct research at the Kolleg – and others will follow during the next months.
For the first time, the University of Münster (WWU) receives a Käte Hamburger Kolleg (KHK). At one of four new Kollegs nationwide, fellows from all over the world will conduct research on "Legal Unity and Pluralism" under the direction of historian Prof. Dr. Ulrike Ludwig (History of the Early Modern Period) and jurist Prof. Dr. Peter Oestmann (Institute of Legal History - both WWU) starting June 1. The funding includes about 7.8 million euros for the first four years, an extension up to twelve years is possible.