Digital Lecture Series on Legal Pluralism in September and October

From Salian Empire to Present Day Colombia
Starting in September, the centre’s current fellows will present their research projects as part of the Digital Fellow Lectures @EViR that will take place via Zoom. Those who want to join a lecture are invited to register via email.
What do Salian royal courts, physicians as witnesses in early modern criminal trials, and the modern constitution of Colombia have in common? They all represent different forms of legal pluralism. The phenomenon existed in almost all societies and at all times, whether as incompatible norms, in the form of competing courts, or as attempts to resolve conflicts right outside the courts. With presentations from the fields of history and law as well as anthropology, the lecture series provides a good insight into the diversity of the research field.
Lectures are held on Thursdays from 6:00 to 7:30 PM (CEST) via Zoom. If you would like to attend one or more lectures, please email us in advance at We will then send you the Zoom link.
The Programme:
Legal Pluralism in the Post-Colony
Prof. Dr. Mirjam Künkler
Negotiating Pluralism Transnationally in 19th Century’s Private International Law
Dr. Sebastian M. Spitra
Johann Nicolaus Pfizer’s (1634-1674) »Vernünfftiges Wunden-Urtheil« and the Role of Medical Practitioners in Criminal Proceedings in Nuremberg (17th-18th century)
Prof. Dr. Kay Peter Jankrift
An Exceptionally Exceptional Exception: Family Litigation in Mandatory Palestine Communal-Informal Tribunals
Prof. Dr. Dr. Eyal Katvan
Pirates in the North? The “Vitalian Brothers” between Fact and Fiction
PD Dr. Gregor Rohmann
Forgiving at the Crossroads of Norms: The Power to Pardon in Late Medieval England and France
Dr. Quentin Verreycken
States of Uncertainty: Coordination, Legal Experimentation & Possible Futures in Colombia
Dr. Sandra Brunnegger
Royal Courts in Salian Germany?
Prof. Dr. David Bachrach