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Interview with Ulrike Ludwig and Peter Oestmann

In the interview: Ulrike Ludwig and Peter Oestmann
© khk

Studying historical forms of legal pluralism in different time periods can also provide insights for challenges that society faces today. This is what the directors of the Kolleg, Prof. Dr. Ulrike Ludwig and Prof. Dr. Peter Oestmann, explain in a new interview on the Humanities and Social Sciences Portal of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research.

Both emphasize that it is not simply possible to derive lessons from history or even direct instructions for action in the present. Nevertheless, knowledge of historical examples can "help to classify and evaluate current phenomena”. For this reason, the Kolleg also engages in dialogue with people beyond academia, for example in the context of public discussion evenings. This is not just about imparting knowledge, but about an exchange that ultimately benefits the researchers themselves.

Click here for the interview (in German).