Two new Working Papers published

The series of EViR Working Papers is expanding: Paper No. 3 is the English translation of an article by Peter Oestmann, which will soon be published in the series "Vorträge und Forschungen". It provides an overview of basic questions of legal pluralism in various epochs of European and German history from a legal-historical perspective. It presents different manifestations of legal diversity in different societies and legal cultures. Additionally, historical examples show which historical solutions existed to eliminate diversity or to make it manageable in practice.
Paper No. 4 by Sebastian M. Spitra documents his key note on the archaeology of European legal pluralism, which he gave during last year’s workshop "Narrating Europe's Pluralities. Unity, Diversity and Exceptionality" at the Kolleg. The author approaches Europe in its pluralities from a legal historical perspective. Legal pluralism is used as a theoretical concept to expose various layers of the past that have been buried or forgotten.
The EViR Working Papers are a digital and printed series to publish current research reports, conference papers and joint working papers. It is interdisciplinary and intertemporal in nature and offers a good insight into the diverse research topics of the Kolleg. As an open access publication, it can be accessed via the University’s publication server miami as well as via the website of the Kolleg.