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Ulrike Ludwig and Peter Oestmann on research at the Käte Hamburger Kolleg "Legal Unity and Pluralism"

Interview with the directors of the Käte Hamburger Kolleg EViR, historian Prof Dr Ulrike Ludwig and legal historian Prof Dr Peter Oestmann. In the interview, they explain how legal plurality and unity are researched at the Kolleg and why this is important.

© KHK EViR – Michael Möller

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Recording of the panel discussion "Auf dem Flickenteppich bleiben? Was der deutsche Föderalismus leistet - und wo seine Grenzen liegen" on 29 April 2024 [German]

Käte Hamburger Kolleg "Legal Unity and Pluralism" (EViR)

Dr. Stefan Nacke, CDU-Bundestagsabgeordneter
Prof. Dr. Peter Oestmann, Universität Münster
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Overhoff, Universität Münster
Dr. Antonios Souris, Freie Universität Berlin

Gigi Deppe, ARD-Rechtsredaktion

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Recording of the panel discussion "Wie sicher ist der Frieden? Der Westfälische Friede als völkerrechtlicher Vertrag" on 22 June 2023 [German]

Käte Hamburger Kolleg "Legal Unity and Pluralism" (EViR)
Cluster of Excellence "Religion and Politics"

Prof. Dr. Claire Gantet, Université de Fribourg
Prof. Dr. Christian Hillgruber, Universität Bonn
Prof. Dr. Christoph Kampmann, Universität Marburg
Prof. Dr. Peter Oestmann, Universität Münster

Prof. Dr. Ulrike Ludwig, Universität Münster

Fellow Lectures

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Olaf Zenker
Land Restitution, Expropriation without Compensation and the Quest for Redistributive Justice in South Africa

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Mia Korpiola
Harmonizing the Law in an Era of Greater Multiplicity: Sweden 1350-1750

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Hans Beck
Rechtsvielfalt als Norm. Beobachtungen zur lokalen Kodierung griechischen Rechts in der Antike

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Eva Schlotheuber
Neue methodische Zugänge zur Goldenen Bulle 1356 als erster schriftlichen Verfassung des römisch-deutschen Reichs

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Dorothea Schulz
Between Law, Bureaucracy and De Facto Politics: Studying the Regulation of 'Religion' in Uganda

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Emilia Mataix Ferrándiz
Negotiating Commercial Practice in the Roman Empire

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Patrick Sänger
Legal Consultants in the Time of the Severan Dynasty (193-235 CE). Papyri and the Emperor's Law

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Clara Harder
Illegitimate Clergy in the Middle Ages, or: How Does an Exception Become the Rule?

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Quentin Verreycken
Forgiving at the Crossroads of Norms: The Power to Pardon in Late Medieval England and France

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Gregor Rohmann
Pirates in the North? The “Vitalian Brothers” between Fact and Fiction

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Sebastian Spitra
Negotiating Pluralism Transnationally in 19th Century's Private International Law