New fellows in January

The beginning of the new year also marks the start of two more fellowships at the Kolleg. Historian Radhika Singha (Jawaharlal Nehru University New Delhi) is an expert on the social history of crime and criminal law. Legal anthropologist Armando Guevara Gil (Universidad para el Desarrollo Andino, Lircay, Peru) is studying legal pluralism in the Andean region. We wish them both a good start in Münster and look forward to stimulating collaborations.
The new fellows in profile:
Dr. Armando Guevara Gil is a Peruvian legal anthropologist and historian. He holds a doctorate in law from the University of Amsterdam, a master’s degree in cultural anthropology from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and a law degree from PUCP in Lima. He specialises in the fields of legal pluralism, colonial and republican law in the Andes, water law and indigenous rights. Currently, he is Rector of the Universidad para el Desarrollo Andino (Lircay), a professor of law at the Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (Lima), an associate researcher at the Instituto del Perú (Lima), and an Affiliate Researcher of the Max Planck Institute for Legal History and Legal Theory. At the Kolleg, he will study the normative and jurisdictional tension between the Catholic church and the young Peruvian republic (1821-1852).
Prof. Dr. Radhika Singha received a doctorate from the University of Cambridge with a thesis on British criminal justice and public authority in North India around 1800. She taught Modern and Contemporary Indian History at Delhi University, Aligarh Muslim University and Jawarharlal Nehru University, Delhi, where she retired as a professor in 2021. Her research interests include the social history of crime, criminal law and policing, colonial governmentality in relation to labour and human mobility, identification practices and technologies, as well as borders and border-crossing in South Asia. Her research project at the Kolleg is called “The Deportable and the Not-so-deportable: Vagrancy and ‘Foreignness’ in Colonial India, 1864-1946”.