First EViR Working Papers published

The first two issues of the EViR Working Papers have been published to launch a new in-house format: current research reports, conference papers and joint working papers will be published in this digital and printed series. It is interdisciplinary and intertemporal in nature and offers a good insight into the diverse research topics of the Kolleg. As an open access publication, it can be accessed via the University’s publication server miami as well as via the website of the Kolleg.
The first Working Paper features the first version of the Münster Glossary on Legal Unity and Pluralism. This is a long-term project by fellows and staff that is being successively extended. The glossary gathers entries on central terms from different disciplinary and epochal perspectives. It aims to facilitate interdisciplinary research on legal unity and pluralism by providing a brief introduction into different approaches of the disciplines involved.
The second paper is a contribution from our research associate Dr Sophia Mösch. It investigates two ninth-century attempts by ecclesiastics to insert themselves into affairs of state. A situational model explores the question of institution and reveals that the motivation behind the definition of religious and political duties was in both initiatives not unification in law.