2nd CAPES Call 2024 - CAPES Brazil Chair at the University of Münster

Applications until 31 October 2024 at 5 pm (BRT)/ 9 pm (CET)
© Uni Münster/Robert Matzke

CAPES (Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel) has announced the opening of the application period for second Chair in the 2023 call for applications of the CAPES-Brazil Chair Programme at the University of Münster (UM) with the topic ‘Modelling Infection Disease Dynamics for Epidemiologic Management’.  Interested parties can apply until 31 October 2024 at 5 pm (BRT)/ 9 pm (CET).

The funding line includes a Brazil Chair at UM for up to 18 months for outstanding Brazilian researchers. Additionally, the program allows the chairholder to select one postdoctoral researcher and one doctoral sandwich student to conduct research for 6 to 12 months at the host institution.

The Brazil Chair, established in 2010, aims to strengthen scientific and academic cooperation between the University of Münster and Brazilian universities and research institutions. It also seeks to promote the establishment and expansion of scientific contacts and networks in the defined thematic areas. Moreover, the Brazil Chair aims to increase the visibility of outstanding Brazilian academics in Germany.


Possible host institutes are among others:

Institute of Information Systems - Prof. Dr. Bernd Hellingrath

Institute of Epidemiology and Social Medicine - Univ.-Prof. Dr. André Karch


More about the topic:

The current Call 02, which deals with modelling the dynamics of infectious diseases for epidemiological management, highlights the importance of advanced modelling methods. The COVID-19 pandemic has shown how important the management of epidemics is, and its importance will continue to grow in the future. The modeling of infectious diseases is an essential key to epidemiological management. The advancement of theoretical methods for modeling infectious diseases through data-driven modeling and machine learning should enable more accurate quantitative predictions and facilitate the extraction of actionable insights from large data sets.

To enable more realistic models of disease dynamics, the determinants of individual human and animal behavior and the impact on the collective action of societies must also be understood and described. Finally, there is a need to investigate how decision-makers (e.g. public health authorities) can be provided with the right information (e.g. the estimated effectiveness of school closures) at the right time based on the epidemiological and societal models developed. Research on one or more of these topics is the subject of the call.


Important links:

Edital nº 29/2023 Brazil Chair at the University of Münster (in Portuguese)

Portaria nº 289, de 28 de Dezembro de 2018 (in Portuguese)

CAPES (in Portuguese)

Brazil Chair at the University of Münster

If you have any questions, please contact the Brazil Centre.