Since 2016, the Brazil Centre has maintained an alumni group dedicated to Brazilians or residents in Brazil who have studied or carried out research at the University of Münster (UM) at some point in their academic career. Our goal is to maintain contact with our alumni, following up on their activities, assisting them in building and expanding networks and promoting meetings and activities that maintain their connection with the UM. Alumni are also valuable multipliers of the initiatives of the Brazil Centre, often acting as ambassadors of the UM in their own fields. Many of our alumni have been essential in establishing and consolidating new academic partnerships and have further deepened the relationship between Münster and Brazil.
In order to promote exchange between the Brazil Centre and its alumni, but also within the network itself, we have organised annual meetings since the group was founded, which have already taken place in São Paulo, Porto Alegre and even virtually as in 2020. The aim of these meetings is to enable the interaction between the group members and the liaison office of the Brazil Centre in São Paulo, to present news from the UM, to highlight opportunities for those who want to reconnect with Münster and also to advise on funding opportunities and ways of initiating projects in cooperation with Münster University.
Our network also functions as one of the regional groups of the UM Alumni Club, which is represented beyond Münster in San Francisco (USA), Berlin, Hamburg/Northern Germany and the Rhine-Main area. In addition, the University of Münster also has a Research Alumni initiative (RE.AL), dedicated to foreign researchers who have been in Münster and have already completed their doctoral studies. This initiative is coordinated by the Welcome Centre of our university. Among other services, alumni researchers have the opportunity to access certain funding lines in order to reactivate the collaboration with Münster and revisit the University.
As part of the RE.AL initiative, two Brazilian research alumni were awarded the so-called RE.AL UM Ambassadors title:
• Prof. Dr. Fernando Buarque de Lima Neto, Universidade de Pernambuco (nominated at the Alumni-Tag at UM in July 2018)
• Prof. Dr. Fernando Batista da Costa, Universidade de São Paulo (nominated at the UM Research Alumni Meeting "hEUrizon Brazil" at USP in São Paulo in October 2018)
RE.AL UM Ambassadors are renowned internationally mobile researchers who have rendered outstanding contributions as alumni through fruitful and ongoing collaborations with the University of Münster and who wish to engage strengthening research cooperation with the university on various levels also in the future. Read more.
Brazilians or residents in Brazil who have spent at least one month at the University of Münster at some point in their academic career, whether as regular international students, exchange students (undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral), as visiting researchers, employed researchers or lecturers, etc., may request to be included in our alumni group. If you have studied or conducted research at the University of Münster and are interested in becoming part of this network, please contact the Brazil Centre by email and fill in the form with your personal informations. We also have a LinkedIn [pt] group where we keep in touch with our members and inform them about activities of the Brazil Centre and other relevant opportunities. We would be very pleased with your participation!