Münster (upm/kk).
Vice-Rector Prof Dr Michael Quante (front row, left) met with numerous representatives of the universities in the Ulysseus Alliance.<address>© Ulysseus</address>
Vice-Rector Prof Dr Michael Quante (front row, left) met with numerous representatives of the universities in the Ulysseus Alliance.
© Ulysseus

Ulysseus Alliance: First joint degree programme launched

International community meets for the start of the second funding phase in Montenegro

More than 100 representatives of the universities in the Ulysseus Alliance gathered in Montenegro in December for the kick-off event for the second funding phase. In addition to the host University of Montenegro, the University of Münster also took part for the first time as a new member. Prof. Dr Michael Quante, Vice-Rector for Internationalization, Knowledge Transfer and Sustainability, travelled to the republic on the south-eastern Adriatic coast with other colleagues from the University of Münster to discuss the content and strategic direction of the Ulysseus Alliance. "We are delighted to be part of Ulysseus and to be jointly committed to our European values, both internally and in society. In this way, we are constantly improving the quality and competitiveness of European universities," he emphasised.

The partners discussed the most important successes of the first project phase and how they can be built on in the coming years - for example by establishing joint structures for future research and teaching cooperation, mobility programmes such as seminars, staff weeks or summer schools for students and employees. To this end, the participants worked in several parallel sessions on topics such as the legal status of the alliance, the communication strategy, gender equality policy, the international strategy beyond EU borders and possible effects of the Ulysseus Alliance in the individual member states. Successful achievements have already been made: The first joint Master's degree on "Smart Cities" has already been launched; further Master's degree programmes will follow soon.

Innovation Hubs

One focus of the kick-off was the discussion surrounding the eight so-called Innovation Hubs - one at each partner university. The hubs deal with current challenges and central topics of research and development that also affect European regions and cities: Sustainable Energy, Transport, Mobility for Smart Cities (University of Seville); Ageing and Well-being (Université Côte d’Azur), Robotics (University of Genoa), Digitalization Transformation for Industry (Technical University of Košice); Sustainable Entrepreneurship & Impact (MCI | The Entrepreneurial School®); Artificial Intelligence for Business and Education (Haaga-Helia, University of Applied Sciences); Socio-ecological sustainability (University of Münster); and Cibersecurity (University of Montenegro).

The Innovation Hub at the University of Münster is led by the Centre for Interdisciplinary Sustainability Research (ZIN), which will contribute the strengths of sustainability research in Münster and issues relating to the transformation to a post-fossil social order. In addition, the University of Münster is in charge of the "Innovation-driven territorial transformation" working area, for which the "REACH - EUREGIO Start-up Centre" is responsible. The overall coordination of Ulysseus for the University of Münster lies with the Centre for Europe.

About Ulysseus

Ulysseus is one of 50 European university alliances (430 universities, including 51 from Germany) selected by the European Commission to become universities of the future. In addition to the University of Münster, seven other partner universities are members of the alliance: the University of Seville (Spain), the University of Genoa (Italy), the Université de Côte D'Azur (France), the Technical University of Košice (Slovakia), MCI | The Entrepreneurial School® (Austria), Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences (Finland) and the University of Montenegro (Montenegro).

Further information