Documentation – Usage

Command line interface usage

Command line commands

Command line commands do not run the actual script but provide common functionality.


Print help and exit.


Download and unpack all required external tools and exit. Calling a script with
this flag is not required because all external tools will be downloaded and
unpacked automatically whenever they are required and not yet available.

--proposePrefix [input filenames]

Propose a prefix based on the input filenames specified and exit.


Print YAML-formatted script information. This switch is used by the Proteomatic
GUI to create the graphical user interface.

---yamlInfo --short

Print the script title, group and description in YAML format.

Command line options

Scripts are called using the following pattern:

./script.rb [options/parameters] [input files]

Of course, the interpreter may also be explicitly specified.

ruby script.rb [options/parameters] [input files]

Command line options must be specified before the input filenames but can be mixed with script parameters.

--applyProfile [filename]

Apply the specified parameter profile. Profiles are YAML-formatted files (ending on .pp) which contain user-defined settings of values. They can be created using the Proteomatic GUI.

--extToolsPath [path]

Use the specified path for external tools. If not specified, external tools are managed in the ext/ folder.

--useFileTracker [host:port]

Send a filetracker report to the filetracker specified upon successful completion of a script.


The filetracker is a TCP server which collects reports about successfully finished scripts. To start the filetracker daemon, type:

$ cd filetracker
$ ruby filetrackerd.rb localhost 7777

By default, the filetracker listens on localhost:5555, but a different host and port can be specified as shown in the example above. Use sudo and/or nohup to permanently run the filetracker on a dedicated server.

If a script is called with the --useFileTracker switch:

$ ruby md5sum.rb --useFileTracker localhost:7777 ~/Desktop/ukca.pdf
Digesting 1 file...
The determined MD5 is 3bd0b56aa948a7eb3153e03eac00f45d
Execution took 0.0 seconds.
Submitting run to file tracker at localhost:7777... done.

…it can be seen that at the end, the report is sent to the filetracker. The filetracker daemon collects reports in monthly archives (archive/filetracker-reports-yyyy-mm.yaml).

In this example, the following report has been archived:

  stdout: |
    Digesting 1 file...
    The determined MD5 is 3bd0b56aa948a7eb3153e03eac00f45d

  end_time: 2011-01-16 20:32:50.718015 +01:00
  - Expected MD5: ""
  - Output directory: ""
  - Output file prefix: ""
  script_uri: md5sum.rb
  version: develop
  script_title: Check MD5 sums
  host: vaka
  user: michael
  start_time: 2011-01-16 20:32:50.701510 +01:00
- size: 78066
  basename: ukca.pdf
  directory: /home/michael/Desktop
  mtime: 2010-12-26 21:54:59 +01:00
  ctime: 2010-12-26 21:54:59 +01:00
  input_file: true
  md5: 3bd0b56aa948a7eb3153e03eac00f45d

It can be seen that extensive information about input and output files is collected, including file MD5 checksums. Although a user interface for querying the filetracker with result files is not yet implemented, this setup will allow for reconstruction of entire processing pipelines at a later stage.