Profile Area
Profile Area

Energy Storage

The research and development activities in energy storage, energy conversion and sustainability are key focuses of the profile area “Energy Storage”. The Münster Electrochemical Energy Technology (MEET) battery research centre, founded in 2009, plays a central role in these activities as researchers work to optimise lithium-ion technology which currently dominates the market and further develop energy storage technologies using other materials. The profile area draws its strength from its dynamic scientific network consisting of institutes at the University of Münster and a number of other institutes located in Münster and beyond, devoted to various aspects of researching, developing and tapping the potential of batteries. This collaboration is supplemented further by strategic partnerships with the Universities of Twente and Stanford, as well as the Jülich Research Centre, the RWTH Aachen’s “Center for Ageing, Reliability and Lifetime Prediction of Electrochemical and Power Electronic Systems” and industrial partners, such as LG Energy Solution (LGES) and well-known car manufacturers.

The future-oriented character and the research excellence of the profile area “Energy Storage” are not only reflected in its outstanding research infrastructure but also by its top-rate research alliance funding, e.g. through the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and its membership in the EU-funded long-term research initiative BATTERY 2030+.