
Sustainable research describes two forms:

  • Research on sustainability (e.g. how (un)sustainable are major sporting events, what factors enable equal rights and participation for all in sports clubs, etc.)
  • Sustainable research (e.g. resource-conserving data collection, socially just contracts, etc.)

Research areas relating to sustainable development can be found in almost all subjects at the Universität Münster. The Universität Münster promotes innovative contributions to science and knowledge, which can be found on the website of the Sustainability Office: A separate institute has been set up for this purpose, the Center for Interdisciplinary Sustainability Research (ZIN). This brings together sustainability research and teaching at the Universität Münster:

The IfS examines sustainability in sport as an overarching topic and attempts to make research in its own laboratories and data collection as sustainable as possible. The following exemplary research projects have been carried out in recent months:

  • Sustainability at major sporting events
    • How do Germans perceive the sustainability strategies of EURO 2024 and is this influenced by the success of the German team? To this end, shortly before and during the European Championships, citizens in Münster were asked questions about aspects of sustainability and how these are implemented in Germany.

Furthermore, the IfS and the Sustainability Group have set themselves the short, medium and long-term goal of conducting resource-conserving research and implementing sustainability in everyday research. Here are some examples of measures that IfS researchers have taken to be ecologically and socially sustainable:

  • Digitization of data entry for motor tests in kindergartens and elementary school

If you are interested in similar or further research questions relating to ecologically, socially or economically sustainable sport, please feel free to contact us.