Using the library / Holdings
Who can use the library? The main purpose of the Library of Sport and Exercise Sciences is to provide information for students and lecturers of Sport and Exercise Sciences at the University of Münster. However, as a public institution it is of course also open to all people interested in sport sciences. For non-University members we offer research possibilities in our catalogues and selected databases and the lending of media within our terms and conditions regarding borrowing. What do the shelfmarks on the spines of the books mean? The shelfmarks on the spine indicate the location of the book in the library and provide information about the subject of the book. An overview of the library’s subject areas is provided by the special classification system. What do special locations like “Modul-Lit.” (module literature) and “Aufsicht” (issue desk) mean? The majority of our media holdings are freely accessible on the shelves in the group and individual work areas of the library. Some media are separated due to special terms of use, e.g. especially old literature in the archive (“Archiv”). The special locations are indicated in the catalogue next to the shelfmark together with notes such as “nicht ausleihbar” (not borrowable). If you cannot find a book on the shelf, please check whether it is perhaps in a special location. If you have any questions, please contact the staff at the issue desk. Which journals are available at the library? All journal holdings of the library are listed and searchable via KatalogPlus, regardless of whether they are available in print or online. Furthermore, the titles of print journals are compiled in a list which is displayed in the journal room of the library. Where can I find the current issues of the journals? The journal issues of the current volume and partly also of the previous volume can be found in the journal display at the issue desk. They are collected there until a new volume is released and, of course, are handed out on request for copying, scanning and reading in the library. Please note: journals are generally not borrowable. Where are the media supplements of the books and journals located? CDs, CD-ROMs and also DVDs as well as poster inserts or similar items are stored separately from the books and journals in the cabinets at the issue desk. Please ask the staff there if you wish to use media supplements. Borrowing
Is it possible for me to borrow books and journals? Almost all media of the library are borrowable. Excluded are journals and special holdings, such as module literature or archive holdings. The library primarily serves the students and academic staff of the Institute of Sport and Exercise Sciences. In addition, non-University users have the opportunity to borrow media from the library in accordance with our regulations. Am I allowed to borrow books for another person? You can request to transfer the borrowing authorisation for your library account to one or more other ULB users. The authorised persons can then borrow media on your library account (with their own library card) and also place interlibrary loan requests for you, but unfortunately cannot order media from the ULB holdings for you.
In your BibliothekskontoPlus you will find the tab "Borrowing authorisations for your library account". There you can request new borrowing authorisations and revoke existing ones if the person authorised to borrow items is no longer meant to fulfil this task (e.g. due to the expiry of an employment contract).Returning books for another person does not require any special conditions.
How do interlibrary loans work? Books and journals that are not available at the libraries in Münster can be ordered via interlibrary loan to Münster. Prerequisite for interlibrary loans is a valid library card from the ULB Münster. Further information can be found on the information page of the ULB. Printing/ Copying /
Can I print, copy and scan in the library? The library offers students the opportunity to print, copy and scan via the multifunction printers. Billing is done via the student ID of the University of Münster. Technical details
Are there computer workstations available in the library? The library has 1 PC workstation. This workstation with internet access and various software is only available to members of the University with a valid IT username. Is there Wi-Fi in the library? Members of the University of Münster can access the university’s Wi-Fi throughout the entire library area. You can find out how to set up Wi-Fi access on your terminal device on the information pages of CIT (formerly ZIV). How can I access databases, e-books and e-journals outside university internet workstations? Students and staff of the University of Münster also have access to licensed digital media, such as full-text articles from e-journals, outside the university workstations. To identify yourself as a member of the university, please use a VPN. Instructions setting up the VPN connection can be found on the information pages of CIT.

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