Lecture series "Hans Blumenberg Professorship"

The holders of the “Hans Blumenberg Professorship” at the Cluster of Excellence “Religion and Politics” will give public lectures during their visit in Münster which are open to everybody from the university and the public. The evening events will deal with topics from the visiting professors’ research in the field of religion and politics. Since 2016, renowned researchers from varying disciplines are appointed to the visiting professorship, e.g. from history, sociology, ethnology and law. This is to contribute to bringing innovative stimuli from international research to Münster and deepening interdisciplinary discussion. In addition, the visiting professors will continue their research in Münster and, at conferences and in study groups, will engage in the exchange with the members of the Cluster of Excellence from more than 20 disciplines of the humanities and social sciences.

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„Ways of Belonging: Religion as Creed, as Practice… and as Identity” with US philosopher Kwame Anthony Appiah, organization: Cluster of Excellence "Religion and Politics", summer term 2024, 13.06.2024, Münster.
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„The politics of al-Andalus: Islam and the Iberian Peninsula and the use and abuse of the past” mit der Islamwissenschaftlerin Prof. Dr. Maribel Fierro, organization: Cluster of Excellence "Religion and Politics", summer term 2023, 16 May 2023, Münster.
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„Between Traditions: Philosophical Traditions in the Islamicate World and Scholarly Traditions in Their Study“ mit der Arabistin Prof. Dr. Sarah Stroumsa, organization: Cluster of Excellence "Religion and Politics", summer term 2022, 17.-18.05.2022, Münster.
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 “Islamophobia in Western Europe: Fear of Muslims or Fundamentalists?” with Social scientist Prof. Dr. Marc Helbling, organization: Cluster of Excellence "Religion and Politics", summer term 2021, 07.-21.06.2021, Münster
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„Religion und Kultur: Ägypten – Israel – Abendland“ mit Ägyptologe und Kulturwissenschaftler Prof. Dr. Jan Assmann, Organisation: Exzellenzcluster „Religion und Politik“, Wintersemester 2020/21, 02.02.2021-04.02.2021, Münster.

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„Religion and War“ with Prof. Dr. Mark Juergensmeyer , Organisation: Cluster of Excellence „Religion und Politics“, summer semester 2018, 12.06.2018-19.06.2018, Münster
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„Säkularisation, Entzauberung, Autonomie: Zur Frage einer religiös-politischen Konstitution der Moderne“ with Prof. Dr. Jóhann P. Árnason, Organisation: Cluster of Excellence „Religion und Politics“, summer semester 2018
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“The Inevitability of Religion”, Prof. Dr. Thomas Hauschild, Organisation: Cluster of Excellence „Religion und Politics“, summer semester 2017, 26.06.2017-10.07.2017, Münster.
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Public lecture “Is ‘No Religion’ the New Religion?“,  Prof. Dr. Linda Woodhead, Lancaster University, Organisation: Cluster of Excellence „Religion und Politics“, summer semester 2017, 08.05.2017, Münster.
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„Herausforderungen des säkularen Verfassungsstaates“, Prof. Dr. Horst Dreier, Organisation: Cluster of Excellence „Religion und Politics“, winter semester 2016/17, 14.11.2016-05.12.2016, Münster.
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“Protestant piety culture and the 2017 Reformation anniversary ”, Prof. Dr. Lucian Hölscher, Organisation: Cluster of Excellence „Religion und Politics“, summer semester 2016, 12 April to 3 Mai 2016, Münster. read more