Professor Dorothea Schulz, PhD

Professor Dorothea Schulz, PhD

Studtstr. 21
48149 Münster

T: +49 251 83-27311
F: +49 251 83-27313

  • Research Foci

    • Anthropology of Religion
    • Mental health and spiritual wellbeing
    • Political Anthropology
    • Islam in Africa
    • Gender Studies
    • Anthropology of Media
  • CV

    Academic Education

    Postdoctoral Degree (Habilitation), Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology, Freie Universität (FU) Berlin (venia legendi for Anthropology)
    PhD Yale University, Dept. of Anthropology
    Master of Arts in Anthropology, Sociology and Biology, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz
    Study of Anthropology, Sociology and Biology, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz
    Study of Art History, Université Paul-Valéry-Montpellier (France)


    Professor of Anthropology, Institute of Ethnology, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität (WWU) Münster
    Professor of Anthropology, Department of Cultural & Social Anthropology, Universität zu Köln
    Assistant Professor, Department of Religious Studies, Indiana University, Bloomington (USA)
    Lecturer, Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology, FU Berlin
    Lecturer, Frobenius Institute, Frankfurt am Main
    M.Phil. and Ph.D., Department of Social & Cultural Anthropology, Yale University, New Haven (USA)


    Visiting Scholar – Dept. of Anthropology, University of Chicago (USA)
    Fellow, Center for African Studies – Harvard University (USA)
    Fellow – Berlin Graduate School „Muslim Cultures and Societies“ (USA)
    Visiting scholar – Dept. of Anthropology, University of Oslo (Norway)
    Teaching Prize – Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Universität zu Köln
    Fellow – Society for the Humanities, Cornell University, Ithaca (USA)
    Frobenius Society’s Research Award – Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt am Main

    External Functions

    Member, Selection Committee, Alexander von Humboldt Foundation
    Scientific Member of the Steering Committee, Initiative of Excellence of the Universität zu Köln
    Member, African Studies Association Germany (VAD)
    Co-Editor, Series „Mande Worlds“ (Lit Verlag)
    Academic Director, Research and Teaching Unit „Media, Culture and Society“, Universität zu Köln
    Member, American Academy of Religions (AAR)
    Advisory Board, Series „Ethnographien“ (Konstanz University Press)
    Member, American Anthropological Association (AAA)
    Member, African Studies Association (ASA)
  • Publications

    • . . “Aspiration and activism: Muslim students’ efforts of future-making in Mbarara, Southwestern Uganda.” in Religiosity on University Campuses in Sub-Saharan Africa. , Vol.64 of Afrikanische Studien/African Studies, edited by Abdoulaye Sounaye and Frédérick Madore. Münster: LIT Verlag.
    • . . “Introduction: Rifle, Quill, Prayer Beads. Constructing Political Legitimacy in Mali.Africa Today, 70 (1): 110.
    • Schulz, Dorothea E., and Diallo, Souleymane, eds. . “Special Issue on Rifle, Pen, and Prayer Beads: Constructing Political Legitimacy in Mali.” Special Issue Africa Today 1.
    • , and . . “Fragments of Legitimacy: Symbolic Constructions of Political Leadership in Twenty-First Century Mali.Africa Today, 70 (1): 1237. doi: 10.2979/at.2023.a905848.
    • . . “Media, the digital, and new connections.” in Routledge Handbook of Islam in Africa, edited by Terja Østebø. London: Routledge.
    • . . “Religious practice and/ as future making in Africa: some cautionary remarks.” in African Futures, edited by Clemens Greiner and Steven Bollig Michael van Wolputte. Leiden: Brill.
    • , and . . “Islamic Renewal, Muslim Divorce, and Gender Relations in Mali.” in Islamic Divorce in the 21th century. A Global Perspective, edited by Erin Stiles and Ayang Utriza Akin. Chapel Hill, NC: Rutgers University Press.
    • . . “"Trusting is a Dicey Affair". Muslim Youth, Gender Relations, and Future Making in Southwestern Uganda.” in Waithood: Gender, Education, and Global Delays in Marriage., edited by Marica Inghorn and Nancy Smith-Hefner. New York City: Berghahn Books.
    • . . “The hunter hype. Producing "local culture" and particularity in Mali.” in Ethnicity, Commodity, In/corporation, edited by George Meiu, Jean Comaroff and John L. Comaroff. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press.
    • . . Western Africa Series, Vol.17, Political Legitimacy in Postcolonial Mali, London: James Currey.
    • . . “Introduction. Studying Muslim minorities in Subsaharan Africa. Preliminary Remarks.Islamic Africa, 12 (2): 173185.
    • . . “Scholarship on Gender Politics in the Muslim World. Some Critical Reflections.” in Islamic Studies in the Twenty-first Century: Transformations and Continuities, edited by L. Buskens and A. van Sandwijk. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. doi: 10.2307/j.ctt1zxsk97.9.
    • , and . . “Competing Assertions of Muslim Masculinity in Contemporary Mali.Journal of Religion in Africa, 46 (2-3): 219250. doi: 10.1163/15700666-12340085.
    • , and . . “Introduction: Religion and Masculinities in Africa.Journal of Religion in Africa, 46 (2-3): 201209. doi: 10.1163/15700666-12340078.
    • . . “"Shari’a” as a moving target? The reconfiguration of national and regional fields of debate in Mali.” in Shari’a Law and Modern Ethics, edited by Robert Hefner. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press.
    • . . “Mediating authority: Media Technologies and the Generation of Charismatic Appeal in Southern Mali.Culture and Religion, 16: 125145. doi: 10.1080/14755610.2015.1058525.
    • Röschenthaler, Ute, and Schulz, Dorothea, eds. . Cultural Entrepreneurship in Africa, London: Routledge.
    • . . “What makes a good minority Muslim? Educational policy and the paradoxes of Muslim schooling in Uganda.Contemporary Islam, 7 (1): 5370. doi: 10.1007/s11562-013-0246-y.
    • . . “(En)gendering Muslim Self-Assertiveness: Muslim Schooling and Female Elite Formation in Uganda.Journal of Religion in Africa, 43 (4): 396425. doi: 10.1163/15700666-12341268.
    • . . “Dis/embodying Authority: Female radio „preachers“ and the ambivalences of mass-mediated speech in Mali.International Journal of Middle East Studies, 44 (1): 2343. doi: 10.1017/S0020743811001231.
    • . . Culture and Customs of Africa, Culture and Customs of Mali , Santa Barbara/CA: Greenwood Publishers.
    • Desplat, Patrick A., and Schulz, Dorothea, eds. . Globaler lokaler Islam, Prayer in the City. The Making of Muslim Sacred Places and Urban Life, Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag.
    • . . Muslims and New Media in West Africa. Pathways to God, Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press.
    • Schulz, Dorothea, and Seebode, Jochen, eds. . Argument Sonderband, Vol.309, Spiegel und Prisma. Ethnologie zwischen postkolonialer Kritik und Deutung der eigenen Gesellschaft, Hamburg: Argument Verlag.
    • . . SzK Studien zur Kulturkunde, Vol.118, Perpetuating the Politics of Praise. Jeli Singers, Radios, and Political Mediation in Mali, Köln: Rüdiger Köppe Verlag.