Prof. Dr. Bernd Schlipphak

Professur für Politikwissenschaft mit dem Schwerpunkt Methoden empirischer Sozialforschung (Prof. Schlipphak)
Prof. Dr. Bernd Schlipphak

Scharnhorststr. 100
48151 Münster

T: +49 251 83 25016

Consultation Hours

For office hours, please contact me via email

Academic Profiles

  • Research Areas

    • Religion and Politics
    • Political Communication
    • Political Psychology / Research on Political Attitudes and Actions (Topics: Globalization, Sustainability)
    • Empirical Methods (especially Survey Design and Data Linkage)
  • CV


    PhD Political Science at University of Freiburg
    MA in Political Science (Major), German Literature and Musicology (Minors)


    Professor (Quantitative Methods)
    "Juniorprofessor" (Assistant Professor w/o Tenure Track) for Quantitative Methods at University of Münster, Department of Political Science
    Postdoc (International Politics) at University of Goettingen, Department of Political Science
    Postdoc (International Politics) at University of Salzburg, Department of Political Science
    (Predoc) Research Assistant at University of Freiburg, Department of Political Science
  • Publications

    Books (Edited Collections)

    • Schlipphak Bernd, Bastian Corina, Gunkel Anne, Leistert Hannes, Menniken Timo, Rhodius Regina (Hrsg.): . Wasser - Konfliktstoff des 21. Jahrhunderts. Heidelberg: Carl Winter Verlag.


    Research Articles (Journals)
    • Bollwerk, M.; Wetzel, E.; Schlipphak, B. Back, M. D. . ‘Who feels marginalized? A latent class analysis of perceived societal marginalization.’ Group Processes & Intergroup Relations 27, No. 3: 597–618. doi: 10.1177/13684302231182924.
    • Stecker, J., Bollwerk, M., Schlipphak, B., Hellmann, J. H., Echterhoff, G., Back, M. D. . ‘Feeling threatened by middle eastern immigrants: The role of RWA, SDO, subjective societal status, and religiosity in Germany.Personality Science (in press). [accepted / in Press (not yet published)]
    • Schlipphak B. . ‘Threat perceptions, blame attribution, and political trust.’ Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties Online first. doi: 10.1080/17457289.2021.2001474.
    • Schlipphak B, Bollwerk M, Back M. . ‘Beliefs in conspiracy theories (CT): the role of country context.’ Political Research Exchange 3, No. 1. doi: 10.1080/2474736X.2021.1949358.
    • Schlipphak B, Isani M. . ‘In the European Union we trust: European Muslim attitudes toward the European Union.’ European Union Politics online first. doi: 10.1177/1465116517725831.
    • Schlipphak Bernd, Freise Matthias, Förster, Jan. . „Legitimationsstrategien autoritärer Rentierstaaten in Zeiten der Krise.“ Zeitschrift für Politik 64, No. 1: 3–20. doi: 10.5771/0044-3360-2017-1-3.
    • Schlipphak Bernd, Treib Oliver. . ‘Playing the Blame Game on Brussels: The Domestic Political Effects of EU Inverventions against Democratic Backsliding.’ Journal of European Public Policy 24, No. 3: 352–365. doi: 10.1080/1350163.2016.1229359.
    • Poppenborg T, Schlipphak B. . „Haben islamistische Parteien wirklich einen politischen Vorteil?Österreichische Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft 45, No. 3: 13–27.
    • Isani M, Schlipphak B. . ‘The Desire for Sovereignty: An Explanation of EU Attitudes in the Arab World.’ Journal of Common Market Studies OnlineFirst. doi: 10.1111/jcms.12485.
    • Schlipphak B. . ‘MEASURING ATTITUDES TOWARD REGIONAL ORGANIZATIONS OUTSIDE EUROPE.’ Review of International Organizations NN. doi: 10.1007/s11558-014-9205-5.
    • Schlipphak Bernd, Heinisch Reinhard. . „Wenn Europa zum Problem wird – die Effekte der Finanzkrise auf Euroskeptizismus und nationales Wahlverhalten in Mittel- und Osteuropa.“ Zeitschrift für Vergleichende Politikwissenschft 8, No. Special Issue 5: 177–196.
    • Schlipphak Bernd. . ‘Actions and attitudes matter: International Public Opinion towards the European Union.European Union Politics . doi: 10.1177/1465116513482527.
    Research Article (Book Contributions)
    • Partheymüller Julia; Schlipphak Bernd; Treib Oliver. . ‘The 2019 EP Election in Germany: Between Migration and the Climate Crisis.’ In Assessing the 2019 European Parliament Elections, edited by Kritzinger Sylvia, Plescia Carolina, Raube Kolja, Wilhelm James, Wouters Jan, 149–168. Abingdon: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9780367816926-14.
    • Isani M, Schlipphak B, Silverman D. . ‘A troubled pair? The MENA region and the EU after Brexit.’ In Changing Perceptions of the EU at Times of Brexit, edited by Chaban N, Niemann A, Speyer J, 165–179. 1st Ed. Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9780429317064.
    • Fuchs Doris, Gumbert Tobias, Schlipphak Bernd. . ‘Euroscepticism and Big Business.’ In The Routledge Handbook of Euroscepticism, edited by Leruth Benjamin, Startin Nicholas, Usherwood Simon, 317–330.
    • Mause Karsten, Schlipphak Bernd. . ‘Increasing Winners-Losers Gap? Increasing Euroscepticism? Exploring the Economic Crisis' Conflict Potential.’ In Europe's Crisis: The Conflict-Theoretical Perspective, edited by Krieger Tim, Neumärker Bernhard, Panke Diana, 111–132. Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlag.
    • Schlipphak Bernd, Menniken Timo. . ‘Assessing Attitudes towards Regional Integration Processes.’ In The Regional Integration Manual, edited by De Lombaerde P et al., 24–50. London: Routledge.
    • Schlipphak Bernd, Eith Ulrich. . „Deutsche Kontraste – Politische Lagerbildung versus fluider Wettbewerb.“ In Deutsche Kontraste 1990-2010, herausgegeben von Glaab Manuela, Weidenfeld Werner, Weigl, Michael, 75–99. Frankfurt am Main: Campus Verlag.
    • Schlipphak Bernd, Brechon Pierre. . ‘Les grandes tendances du comportement électoral.’ In L'avenir des partis politiques en France et en Allemagne, edited by Demesmay Claire, Glaab Manuela, 61–82.
    • Schlipphak Bernd, Eith Ulrich. . „Die baden-württembergische Landtagswahl 2006 im Einflussfeld der Bundespolitik: Auswirkungen und Rückwirkungen.In 100 Tage Schonfrist. Politik in Deutschland zwischen Bundestagswahl 2005 und Landtagswahlen 2006., herausgegeben von Tenscher Jens, Batt Helge, 139–153. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.
    • Schlipphak Bernd, Eith Ulrich. . „Zwischen Protestanten, Weinbauern und Sozialliberalen - die FDP in Baden-Württemberg und Rheinland-Pfalz.In Wahlkämpfe in Baden-Württemberg und Rheinland-Pfalz, herausgegeben von Schmid Josef, Zolleis Udo, 116–135.

    Working Papers

  • Supervised Doctoral Studies

    Spirituality and Spiritualism - the Political Dimensions of Esotericism
    Meiners, PaulUnderstanding Global Governance: The Role of Information
    Bollwerk, Michael Perceived Societal Marginalization: Scale Development Latent Subgroups, and Political Outcomes
    Isani, MujtabaMuslim Attitudes towards International Organizations
  • Scientific Talk

    • Meiners, Paul; Schlipphak, Bernd (): „Domestic Politics and Regional Organizations: Analyzing Domestic Elite (De)Legitimization, Public Knowledge and Citizens’ Attitudes“. Jahrestagung Arbeitskreis Europa- und Regionalismusforschung der DVPW, Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen, Gießen, Deutschland, .