Prof. Dr. Ines Michalowski

Prof. Dr. Ines Michalowski

Scharnhorststr. 121, room 510
48151 Münster

T: +49 251 83-23120
F: +49 251 83-29930

Consultation Hours

Please contact me if you would like to write a BA or MA thesis in sociology.

Consultations by appointment via Zoom. Please register by email.
Meeting ID: 689 8227 2288
Passcode: 567602

During the fall term 2022/23, Dr. Eylem Kanol (WZB) was the interim Professor for this chair, during the summer term 2023, Dr. Jonas Wiedner (WZB) was the interim Professor, and during the fall term 2024/25 Dr. Uta Karstein was the interim Professor.

  • Research Foci

    • Sociology of Religion
    • Sociology of Organizations
    • Organization and Diversity
    • Religion and Migration
    • Religion and Body in the Context of Secularization
    • Citizenship
  • CV

    Academic Education

    co-tutelle Ph.D. in sociology (Center for the Sociology of Organisations, Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris) and political science (University of Münster)
    Member of the DFG Graduate School "Migration in Modern Europe", IMIS, University of Osnabrück
    Studies in Ethnography and Sociology of Organizations, Université Paris X - Nanterre and Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris, France


    WZB Fellow, affiliated with the research unit Migration, Integration, Transnationalization
    Professor of Sociology of Relgion at the Department of Sociology, Münster University
    Research Fellow at the WZB Berlin Social Science Center
    Visiting professor for sociology, especially sociology of religion at the University of Göttingen (interim professorship Matthias Koenig)
    Visiting Fellow at the Minda de Gunzburg Center for European Studies at Harvard
    Guest Professor for Migration and Integration Research at the University of Vienna
    Fellow at the Transatlantic Academy in Washington, D.C.
    Research fellow at the universities of Münster and Osnabrück and at the WZB Berlin Social Science Center

    External Functions

    University of Haifa, Israel (Academic committee of the Haifa Lab for Religious Studies, Member)
    Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (Scientific Advisory Board, Member)
    Münster University (Rectorate Research Council, Member)
    Münster University (Cluster of Excellence Religion & Politics, Deputy Speaker)
    Center for Religion and Modernity (Board of Directors, Member)
  • Publications


    Books (Monographs)
    • . . Integration als Staatsprogramm. Deutschland, Frankreich und die Niederlande im Vergleich, Münster: LIT Verlag.
    Books (Edited Collections)
    • Burchardt, Marian, and Michalowski, Ines, eds. . Islam in Europe: Politics, Law and Religious Life, Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.
    • Hunger, Uwe, Aybek, Can, Ette, Andres, and Michalowski, Ines, eds. . Migrations- und Integrations­pro­zesse in Europa. Vergemeinschaftung oder nationalstaatliche Lösungswege?, Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.


    Research Articles (Journals)
    • , , , , , and . . “How organisations regulate Muslim body practices: a comparison of schools, hospitals, and swimming pools.Comparative Migration Studies, 11: 119. doi: 10.1186/s40878-023-00355-y.
    • . . “Säkularität im Schwimmbad. Einstellungen zu eigenen und fremden Körperpraktiken.Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie, 0 (online first) doi: 10.1007/s11577-023-00905-3.
    • , and . . “Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Religiosity: Evidence from Germany.Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 0 (online first): 119. doi: 10.1111/jssr.12834.
    • , and . . “Investigating Attitudes toward Those Who Leave Religion among Christian, Jewish, and Muslim Believers.Religions, 13 (8): 682702. doi: 10.3390/rel13080682.
    • . . “Organisationsspezifische Formen der Aushandlung von Säkularität: Anpassungen für Islam und Muslime im Militär,.Soziale Welt, 2022/25 (Sonderband): 2762.
    • , and . . “The Accommodation of Muslim Body Practices in German Public Swimming Pools.Ethnic and Racial Studies, 43 (11): 20802098. doi: 10.1080/01419870.2020.1770827.
    • , and . . “A New Agenda for Immigration and Citizenship Policy Research.Comparative Political Studies, Special Issue "Immigration and Citizenship Policy Research", Vol. 50 (No. 1): 313. doi: 10.1177/0010414016666864.
    • , and . . “Why Do States Extend Rights to Immigrants? Institutional Settings and Historical Legacies Across 44 Countries Worldwide.Comparative Political Studies, Vol. 50 (No. 1): 4174. doi: 10.1177/0010414016655533.
    • , , , and . . “Afterword. On the Study of Religion in Public Institutions.Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, Vol. 56 (No. 2): 255258. doi: 10.1111/jssr.12351.
    • , , , and . . “Religion in Public Institutions. Comparative Perspectives from the United States, the United Kingdom, and Europe.Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, Vol. 56 (No. 2): 226233. doi: 10.1111/jssr.12350.
    • , and . . “Long-term Effects of Language Course Timing on Language Acquisition and Social Contacts. Turkish and Moroccan Immigrants in Western Europe.International Migration Review, Vol. 50 (No. 1): 133162. doi: 10.1111/imre.12130.
    • , and . . “Long-Term Effects of Language Course Timing on Language Acquisition and Social Contacts. Turkish and Moroccan Immigrants in Western Europe.International Migration Review, 50 (1): 133–162. doi: 10.1111/imre.12130.
    • . . “What Is at Stake When Muslims Join the Ranks? An International Comparison.Religion, State & Society, Special Section "Muslim Military Chaplaincy", Vol. 43 (No. 1): 4158. doi: 10.1080/09637494.2015.1021189.
    • , , and . . “A Struggle over Religious Rights? How Muslim Immigrants and Christian Natives View the Accommodation of Religion in Six European Countries.Social Forces, Vol. 94 (No. 2): 647671.
    • , and . . “How Can We Categorise and Interpret Civic Integration Policies?Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, Vol. 38 (No. 1): 163171. doi: 10.1080/1369183X.2012.640027.
    • , and . . “Introduction. The Heuristic Potential of Models of Citizenship and Immigrant Integration Reviewed.Journal of Immigrant and Refugee Studies, 10: 231–224.
    • , , and . . “Citizenship rights for immigrants: National political processes and cross-national convergence in Western Europe, 1980-2008.American Journal of Sociology, 117 (4): 12021245.
    • . . “Required to assimilate? The content of citizenship tests in five countries.Citizenship Studies, 15 (6-7): 749768.
    • . . “Naturalisatietoetsen en concepten van staat en natie.Migrantenstudies, 26 (2): 121141.
    • , , and . . “Ervaringen met de indicatormethodiek in een vergelijkende evaluatie van lokaal inburgeringsbeleid.Migrantenstudies, Vol. 24 (No. 4): 250272.
    • . . “Le contrat d’accueil et d’intégration comparé: expansion ou disparition des dispositifs pour l’intégration des étrangers en Europe?Hommes et Migrations, 1261: 131142.
    • . . “Integration programs for newcomers – A Dutch model for Europe?IMIS Beiträge, 24: 163175.
    Research Article (Book Contributions)
    • . . “Towards a Life Course Perspective on Naturalisation for Refugees.” in The Integration of Migrants and Refugees, edited by Rainer Bauböck and Milena Tripkovic.
    • , and . . “Islam in Europe. Cross-national Differences in Accommodation and Explanations.” in After Integration. Islam, Conviviality and Contentious Politics in Europe, Islam und Politik, edited by Marian Burchardt and Ines Michalowski. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften. doi: 10.1007/978-3-658-02594-6_6.
    • , and . . “Islam in Europe: Cross-National Differences in Accommodation and Explanations.” in Islam in Europe: Politics, Law and Religious Life, edited by Marian Burchardt and Ines Michalowski.
    • . . “Legitimizing Host Country Institutions. A Comparative Analysis of the Content of Civic Education Courses in France and Germany.” in European States and Their Muslim Citizens. The Impact of Institutions on Perceptions and Boundaries, Cambridge Studies in Law and Society Series, edited by John R. Bowen/Christophe Bertossi/Jan Willem Duyvendak/Mona Lena Krook. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    • , and . . “Préface. Armées, minorités ethniques et régimes de citoyenneté.” in La gestion de la diversité ethnique dans les armées. Le cas du Royaume-Uni, des États-Unis, de la Belgique et des Pays-Bas, Cahiers de l'IRSEM, edited by Anaïs Reding, Matt Bassford, Claire Celia, Kristin Weed and Emmanuel Hassan. N/A: Selbstverlag / Eigenverlag.
    • . . “Citizenship tests and traditions of state interference with cultural diversity.” in How Liberal are Citizenship Tests? EUI Working Papers., edited by Rainer Bauböck and Christian Joppke.
    • . . “Immigration to France. The challenge of immigrant integration.” in Immigration Worldwide., edited by A.Segal Uma, Doreen Elliott and Nazneen Mayadas.
    • , and . . “Family reunification between EC law and national integration policy.” in Migratierecht en Rechtssociologie. Collected Essays in Honour of Kees Groenendijk., edited by Anita Böcker and Tetty Havinga.

    Web Publications (Blog Articles)

    • , and . . “Transformation des relations États-religion en Europe : entre pluralisation et sécularisation.Bulletin de l´Observatoire International du Religieux, n° 37. Dossier « Union européenne et religion ».

    Other Scientific Publications

    • , and . . Organisationaler Wandel für muslimische Badegäste in deutschen Schwimmbädern. Schnelle Anpassungen und Konflikte, Berlin: WZB.
  • Supervised Doctoral Studies

    Mosques as spaces of intersectional identity negotiations
    “Secularized superstition”? On the complicated relationship between religious transformations and conspiracy beliefs
    Queer Religiosity