Frieda Schulze Dephoff, M. Ed.

Frieda Schulze Dephoff, M. Ed.

Johannisstr. 1, room bzw. Bispinghof 3A, Raum 304
48143 Münster

T: +49 251 83-24155

Consultation Hours

  • Research Foci

    • French literature of the 19th century (major focus: Gustave Flaubert)
    • Classic and modern theatre
  • CV

    Academic Education

    PhD Romance Philology, French Literature, University of Münster
    M. Ed. French and social sciences, University of Münster
    Studies abroad, Sorbonne Université, Paris, France
    B.A. French and political science, University of Münster
    Studies abroad, Avignon University, France


    Researcher, Cluster of Excellence "Religion and Politics", University of Münster
    Research assistant, Romance studies, Department of french and francophone literature of the University of Münster, Prof. Dr. Karin Westerwelle
    Research assistant, Q.UNI, University of Münster, Prof. Dr. Cornelia Denz
  • Scientific Talk

    • Schulze Dephoff, Frieda : “Lumière et illusion. L'éblouissement créateur d'images dans "L'Éducation sentimentale" de Flaubert”. Journée d'études internationale "L'éclairage artificiel dans les arts et la littérature", Rennes, .