Lorena König, Mag. Theol.

Lorena König, Mag. Theol.

Johannisstr. 1
48143 Münster

T: +49251 83-26935

  • Research Foci

    • Church history of the 19th and 20th centuries
    • Relationship of the Catholic Church to National Socialism
    • The history of Romania in the 19th and 20th centuries
  • Doctoral AbstractThesis

    [working title] Romania as a special case? The treatment of Catholics of Jewish origin by the Vatican and European states during the Shoah.

    Doctoral Subject
    Katholische Theologie
    Targeted Doctoral Degree
    Dr. theol.
    Awarded by
    Department 02 – Roman Catholic Theology


  • CV

    Academic Education

    Study of Sociology (1-subject BA)
    Catholic theology at the WWU Münster (Mag. Theol.) Thesis: "Therefore special care is required with Jewish catechumens" The baptism of Romanian Jews during the Shoah.


    Research assistant in the project EXC 2060 A3-37 - Pope Pius XII and baptised Jews in Romania and Brazil
    Student assistant at the Department of Medieval and Modern Church History on the DFG project "Critical online edition of the nunciature reports of Eugenio Pacelli (1917-1929)" and "Asking the Pope for Help. Jewish Victims of the Nazi Regime in the Sources of the Vatican."
    Student assistant at the library in the Philosophikum
  • Scientific Talks