Doctoral programme

The Graduate School’s structured doctoral programme is designed to enable students to write a dissertation on a theme that arises from the interplay between religion and politics. Besides working on their dissertation, doctoral students also complete an interdisciplinary study programme developed specifically for the area of religion and politics. As well as academic seminars, workshops and conferences closely related to the research programme of the Cluster of Excellence, this includes workshops that provide students with vocational skills to pursue a career path either within or outside the university. The study programme also includes mentoring as a key element.

Professors from the Cluster of Excellence supervise the dissertation projects and hold a one-to-one tutorial at least once a term to discuss with the student how the project is progressing. The Early Career Support team also supports doctoral students in organizational matters to do with preparing their dissertation.

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  • Introductory seminar: reading courses on fundamental questions of interdisciplinary research on religion for all doctoral students in a particular year
  • Advanced seminar: seminar with a changing thematic focus arising from the interplay between religion and politics
  • Workshops and guest lectures: workshops or events organized by doctoral students with external guests or members of other Cluster of Excellence projects
  • Workshops on additional skills: events on career paths and selected skills for careers both within and outside the university