Events promoting equal opportunities and diversity
Through workshops and organized discussions, the Cluster of Excellence aims to ensure equal opportunities for its members and to reduce discrimination in the workplace and in society as a whole. Early-career researchers can deepen their rhetorical and presentational skills in the workshops, which, depending on demand, are offered once a semester and are tailored to the wishes and needs of those interested. The point of contact is the Commission for Equal Opportunities and Diversity.
- “We break the silence” – the University of Münster’s International Day Against Violence Against Women
- Workshop “Developing and Maintaining Academic Networks”
- Workshop “Time Management”
- Workshop “Networking”
- Workshop “Potential Analysis”
- Seminars in Rhetoric at the Cluster of Excellence
- Equal Opportunities Meeting at the Cluster of Excellence: University of Münster’s Equal Opportunities Officer and Family Service Office come to the Cluster
- Equal Opportunities at the Cluster of Excellence: First workshops offered to early-career researchers by the Equal Opportunities Officer
In order to raise awareness of discrimination at work and to combat discrimination, the Cluster of Excellence organizes internal talks on diversity to promote the exchange of experience. Members of the Cluster also benefit from intercultural and foreign-language training courses offered by the International Office of the University of Münster.