All Publications 2022
Books (Monographs)
- Grazi, Alessandro. . Studies in Jewish History and Culture, Prophet of Renewal: David Levi, a Jewish Freemason and Saint-Simonian in nineteenth-century Italy, Leiden: Brill.
- Althoff, and Gerd. . Gott belohnt, Gott straft: religiöse Kategorien der Geschichtsdeutung im Frühen und Hohen Mittelalter, Darmstadt: wbg.
- Quante, Michael. . Karl Marx: Ökonomisch-Philosophische Manuskripte. Studienausgabe mit Kommentar. , 4. edt. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp Verlag.
- Gabriel, Karl. . Religion und Moderne, Vol. 22, Die vielen Gesichter der Religion. Religionssoziologische Analysen jenseits der Säkularisierung.. Frankfurt am Main: Campus Verlag.
- Albiez-Wieck, Sarah. . European expansion and indigenous response, Vol. 40, Taxing Difference in Peru and New Spain 16th-19th Century. Negotiating Social Differences and Belonging, Leiden: Brill.
- Seewald, Michael. . Dogmes en devenir, Paris: Éditions du Cerf.
- Sieg, Christian. . Laboratorium Aufklärung, Vol. 40, Die Scham der Aufklärung. Zur sozialethischen Produktivkraft einer Emotion in der literarischen Kultur des 18. Jahrhunderts.. Paderborn / München: Wilhelm Fink Verlag. doi: 10.30965/9783846767467.
- Schmidt-Leukel, Perry. . Das himmlische Geflecht. Buddhismus und Christentum - ein anderer Vergleich, Güterloh: Gütersloher Verlagshaus.
- Quante, Michael. . La realidad del espíritu, Buenos Aires: Ediciones UNGS.
- Seewald, Michael. . Giornale di teologia. Biblioteca di aggiornamento theologico, Vol. 444, Riforma. Quando la Chiesa si pensa altrimenti. Brescia: Editrice Queriniana.
- Bauer, Thomas, Bodenheimer, Alfred, and Seewald, Michael. . Welche Sprache spricht Gott? Versuche aus Judentum, Christentum und Islam, Darmstadt: wbg.
- Quante, Michael, and Lorenz, Ansgar - Illustrationen. . G.W.F. Hegel. Philosophische Einstiege, Leiden: Brill.
- Seewald, Michael. . Collección Presencia Teológica, Vol. 293, Introducción a la teología sistemática, Bilbao: Editorial Sal Terrae.
- Seewald, Michael. . O Dogma em Evolução. Como se desenvolvem as doutrinas da fé, Parede: Lucerna.
- Quante, Michael. . Der unversöhnte Marx. Die Welt in Aufruhr., 2. edt. Paderborn: mentis Verlag.
- Jensz, Felicity. . Studies in Imperialism, Missionaries and modernity: Education in the British Empire, 1830-1910, Manchester: Manchester University Press.
Books (Edited Collections)
- Ebers, S, Lichtenberger, A, and Nieswandt, H-H, eds. . Das Pferd in der Antike. Von Troja bis Olympia, Darmstadt: wbg.
- Becker, Eve-Marie, and Strutwolf, Holger, eds. . Platonismus und Christentum. Ihre Beziehungen und deren Grenzen, Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck Verlag. doi: 10.1628/978-3-16-161878-9.
- Becker, Eve-Marie, Herzer, Jens, Standhartinger, Angela, and Wilk, Florian, eds. . NET, Vol. 32, Reading the New Testament in the Manifold Contexts of a Globalized World: Exegetical Perspectives, Tübingen: A. Francke Verlag.
- Christ, G., Sänger, P., and Carr, M., eds. . Military Diasporas: Building of Empire in the Middle East and Europe (550 BCE–1500 CE), London: Routledge.
- Albiez-Wieck, Sarah, Meding, Holger, Hensel, Silke, and Schembs, Katharina, eds. . Género en América Latina. Homenaje a Barbara Potthast, Madrid: Iberoamericana Vervuert.
- Amirpur, Katajun, El Omari, Dina El Omari, and Haqiqat, Muska, eds. . Islam≥nder, Vol. 2, Genderperspektiven auf Afghanistan., 1. Aufl. Baden-Baden: Ergon Verlag.
- Gerster, Daniel, and Jensz, Felicity, eds. . Palgrave Studies in the History of Childhood, Global Perspectives on Boarding Schools in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-99041-1.
- A, Lichtenberger, and R, Raja, eds. . Jerash Papers, Vol. 9/1-2, Architectural Elements, Wall Paintings, and Mosaics. Final Publications from the Danish-German Jerash Northwest Quarter Project IV, Turnhout: Brepols Publishers. doi: 10.1484/M.JP-EB.5.121293.
- Gumbert, Tobias, Bohn, Carolin, Fuchs, Doris, Lennartz, Benedikt, and Müller, Christian J., eds. . Demokratie und Nachhaltigkeit. Aktuelle Perspektiven auf ein komplexes Spannungsverhältnis, Baden-Baden: Nomos.
- Schmidt-Leukel, Perry Großhans, and Hans-Peter Krueger, Madlen, eds. . Ethnic and Religious Diversity in Myanmar. Contested Identities. London: Bloomsbury Academic.
- Doering, Pia Claudia, ed. . Verstellungskünste. Die literarische Kritik religiöser und politischer Heuchelei, Bielefeld: Aisthesis Verlag.
- Catharina, Hohmann Uta Elisabeth Von Scheliha Arnulf Jacob, ed. . Religion und Moderne, Vol. 24, "Eyn sonderlicher Gottesdienst". Evangelische Theologinnen und Theologen als Parlamentarier, Frankfurt am Main: Campus Verlag.
- Berezhnaya, Liliya, and Hein-Kircher, Heidi, eds. . New Perspectives on Central and Eastern European Studies, Vol. 1, Rampart Nations: Bulwark Myths of East European Multiconfessional Societies in the Age of Nationalism, 2. edt. New York City: Berghahn Books.
Research Articles (Journals)
- Klinkenborg, Hannah, and Rossmoeller, Anica. . “Connecting Sufficiency, Materialism and the Good Life? Christian, Muslim and Hindu Perspectives on EU-level.” Frontiers in Sustainability, № 3-2022 doi: 10.3389/frsus.2022.952819.
- Müller, Olaf, and Porada, Chiara. . “Towards a Society of Stable Nones: Lifelong Non-Denominationalism as the Prevailing Pattern in East Germany.” Religions, № 13 (11): 1–28. doi: 10.3390/rel13111024.
- Gärtner, Christel, and Hennig, Linda. . “Faith, Authenticity, and Pro-Social Values in the Lives of Young People in Germany.” Religions, № 13 (10): 1–18. doi: 10.3390/rel13100962.
- Lichtenberger, AMienis H, Orendi A, Pines M, and Rittner O, Tal O. . “For everything there is a season: more than a year of destruction at Seleucid Tell Iẓṭabba (Israel).” Antiquity, № 2022: 1–8. doi: 10.15184/aqy.2022.92.
- Kanol, Eylem, and Michalowski, Ines. . “Investigating Attitudes toward Those Who Leave Religion among Christian, Jewish, and Muslim Believers.” Religions, № 13 (8): 682–702. doi: 10.3390/rel13080682.
- Gärtner, Christel. . “Secularity as a point of reference: A specific features of non-religiosity and secularized worldview in a family across three generations.” Religions, № 2022, 13 (477): 1–13. doi: 10.3390/rel13060477.
- Müller, O, and Pollack, D. . “Religiosität, gesellschaftliche Einstellungen und politische Orientierungen in Deutschland.” Zeitschrift für Religion, Gesellschaft und Politik, № 6: 669–695. doi: 10.1007/s41682-022-00108-1.
- Diallo, Souleymane. . “Exile, Masculine Honor, and Gender Relations among the Tuareg from Mali in Niamey, Niger.” Canadian Journal of Africa Studies/ Révue canadienne des études africaines, № 56 (3): 657–676 . doi: 10.1080/00083968.2021.2017307.
- Ebers, Sybill, Lichtenberger, Jan Achim, and Nieswandt, Heinz-Helge. . “Das Pferd in der Antike - von Troja bis Olympia. Eine Ausstellung in Münster.” Antike Welt - Zeitschrift für Archäologie und Kulturgeschichte, № 4: 8–12.
- Lichtenberger, Jan Achim, and Nieswandt, Heinz-Helge. . “Götter, Pferde und Kentauren - Pferde im antiken Kult und Mythos von Troja bis Olympia.” Antike Welt - Zeitschrift für Archäologie und Kulturgeschichte, № 4 (4): 27–32.
- Vulpius, Ricarda. . “Russländische Städte des 18. Jahrhunderts und das Imperium. Abschließende Überlegungen.” Informationen zur modernen Stadtgeschichte, № 2: 96–101.
- Vulpius, Ricarda. . “Konkurrenz und Konflikt. Russland und die ukrainische Nationsbildung.” Osteuropa, № 72 (6-8): 105–116.
- Grazi, Alessandro. . “Wissenschaft des Judentums goes digital: Neue Möglichkeiten, Herausforderungen und Spannungen.” Cursor - Zeitschrift Für Explorative Theologie, № 1
- Krems, Eva-Bettina. . “« ... en France tout le monde entre et passe par les appartemens du Roy » : vie privée et sphère publique dans les châteaux français et allemands autour de 1700.” Bulletin du Centre de recherche du château de Versailles, № 21 doi: 10.4000/crcv.22465.
- Althoff, and Gerd. . “Was war "groß" an Otto?: mit einer Mischung aus Machtbewusstsein und Milde gelingt es dem ersten Kaiser aus sächsischem Hause, Aufstände in der Heimat zu überstehen und ein europäisches Imperium zu begründen.” Zeit-Geschichte. Epochen. Menschen. Ideen, № 6: 41–43.
- Van Bavel, J.J., Cichocka, A., Capraro, V., Sjåstad, H., Nezlek, J.B., Pavlović, T., ... Farkhari, F., …, and Boggio, P.S. . “National identity predicts public health support during a global pandemic.” Nature Communications, № 13 517. doi: 10.1038/s41467-021-27668-9.
- Rothmund, T., Farkhari, F., Ziemer, C.T., and Azevedo, F. . “Psychological underpinnings of pandemic denial-patterns of disagreement with scientific experts in the German public during the COVID-19 pandemic.” Public Understanding of Science, № 31 (4): 437–457. doi: 10.1177%2F09636625211068131.
- Pavlović, T., Azevedo, F., De, K.Riaño-Moreno, J. C., Maglić M., Gkinopoulos, T., ... Farkhari, F., ..., and Keudel, O. . “Predicting attitudinal and behavioral responses to COVID-19 pandemic using machine learning.” PNAS Nexus, № 1 (3) Article pgac093. doi: 10.1093/pnasnexus/pgac093.
- Rollefson, Gary, Schmidt, Katharina, and Schick, Robert. . “One Hundred Years of Archaeological Research in Jordan.” Jordan Journal for History and Archaeology, № 16 (3): 255–304. doi: 10.54134/jjha.v16i3.662.
- Oberauer, Norbert. . “Canonization in Islamic Law: A Case Study Based on Shafi'i Literarure.” Islamic Law and Society, № 29 (1-2): 123–208. doi: 10.1163/15685195-bja10021.
- Zardaryan, M, Lichtenberger, A, and Schreiber, T. . “Арташат – Артаксата: Античный мега-полис в свете новейших археологических изысканий.” Армянский гуманитарный вестник, № 9: 30–56. doi: 10.58226/2579-275X-2022.9-30.
- Martin, Katharina, and Nomicos, Sophia. . “Auf Hohem Ross: Pferdezucht und Pferdenutzung in der Antike.” Antike Welt - Zeitschrift für Archäologie und Kulturgeschichte, № 53: 22–26.
- Albiez-Wieck, Sarah, and Gil Montero, Raquel. . “A needle in a haystack: Looking for an early modern peasant who travelled from Spain to America.” Histories, № 2: 91–111. doi: 10.3390/histories2020009.
- Schmidt-Leukel, Perry. . “Viewing Jesus: Christology in Light of Muslim and Shin Buddhist Insights.” Buddhist-Christian Studies, № 42: 359–373.
- Lichtenberger, AMeyer C, and Schreiber T, Zardaryan M H. . “Magnetic Prospection in the Eastern Lower City of Artashat-Artaxata in the Ararat Plain of Armenia.” Electrum, № 29: 109–125. doi: 10.4467/20800909EL.22.008.15778.
- Kubiak-Schneider, A, and Lichtenberger, A. . “The god Pakeidas in Jerash – his Worship through Archaeological and Epigraphical Sources.” Electrum, № 29: 219–236. doi: 10.4467/20800909EL.22.014.15784.
- Wißmann, Hinnerk. . “Von Freiheitsentfaltung und Freiheitssicherung: Grundrechte in der Schule.” JURA Juristische Ausbildung, № 44 (9): 1044–1054. doi: 10.1515/jura-2022-3145.
- Schlipphak, Bernd, Isani, Mujtaba, and Back, Mitja. . “Conspiracy Theory Beliefs and Political Trust: The Moderating Role of Political Communication.” Politics and Governance, № 10 (4): 157–167. doi: 10.17645/pag.v10i4.5755.
- Farkhari, Fahima, Schlipphak, Bernd, and Back, Mitja. . “Individual‐Level Predictors of Conspiracy Mentality in Germany and Poland.” Politics and Governance, № 10 (4): 203–215. doi: 10.17645/pag.v10i4.5865.
- Jensz, Felicity, Langeveld, Eeva, Steltner, Henrike, and André, Krischer. . “The subjectification of the nineteenth-century maritime spectator: Shipboard diaries as maritime history.” International Journal of Maritime History, № 34 (4): 597–613. doi: 10.1177/08438714221142260.
- Lichtenberger, A. . “The Youthful Heracles-Melqart in Tyre. Choosing a Visual Language for a Phoenician God in the Hellenistic Period.” Mythos. Rivista di Storia delle religioni, № 16: 27–40. doi: 10.4000/mythos.5419.
- Teixeira-Bastos, M, and Lichtenberger, A. . “Imperialismos, Estados Nacionais e arqueologia clássica: as trajetórias dos estudos arqueológicos na Alemanha e Brasil.” História (São Paulo), № 41: 1–27. doi: 10.1590/1980-4369e2022055.
- Wiedebusch, Silvia, Jauch, Pia, and Quante, Michael. . “Der Erwerb ethischer Kompetenzen in der Lehramtsausbildung aus der Sicht von Studierenden.” Herausforderung Lehrer*innenbildung (HLZ), № 5 (1): 409–425.
- Lichtenberger, A. . “Mount Ararat-Masis and Mount Olympus (on Strab. 11.14.12-14).” Orbis Terrarum, № 20: 263. doi: 10.25162/9783515134439.
- Jensz, Felicity. . “Neptune’s visit made palatable. Journeys over the line in the nineteenth and twentieth century.” Yearbook of Women's History = Jaarboek voor Vrouwengeschiedenis, № 41: 95–111.
- Landefeld, Katrin Maria. . “Die textgeschichtliche Verbindung zwischen Codex Bezae (05) und dem Handschriftenpaar 08/1884 in Acta.” TC: A Journal of Biblical Textual Criticism, № 27: 33–49.
- Quante, Michael. . “Arbeit und Entfremdung in der Philosophie von Karl Marx.” Zeitschrift für Didaktik der Philosophie und Ethik, № 2022 / 2: 22–31.
- Hoesch, and Matthias. . “The Right to Preserve Culture.” Journal of Moral Philosophy, № 19: 602–627. doi: 10.1163/17455243-20223607.
- Michalowski, Ines. . “Organisationsspezifische Formen der Aushandlung von Säkularität: Anpassungen für Islam und Muslime im Militär,.” Soziale Welt, № 2022/25 (Sonderband): 27–62.
- Quante, Michael. . “La Filosofía del Derecho de Hegel: una ética institucional adscriptivista.” Studia Hegeliana. Journal of the Spanish Society for Hegelian Studies, № VIII: 69–90. doi: 10.24310/Studiahegelianastheg.v8i.14574.
- Lewis, C.A., Davis, S., Corry D., A.S, and Demmrich, S. . “Translation of the extended addictive features section of the Ottawa Self-injury Inventory Version 3.1 in German.” International Journal of High Risk Behaviors and Addiction, № 11 (1) e118936. doi: 10.5812/ijhrba.118936.
- Demmrich, S., Pollack, D., and Müller, O. . “Religion und Integration bei türkeistämmigen Muslimen in Deutschland.” Soziale Welt, № Sonderband 25: 185–205.
- Pinies, M, Mienis, H, Rittner, O, Lichtenberger, A, and Tal, O. . “Food in a colonial setting: The faunal assemblage of a short-lived Seleucid-founded site in the Near East.” Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, № 45 103558. doi: 10.1016/j.jasrep.2022.103558.
- S, Ebers, and Lichtenberger A, Nieswandt H-H. . “Das Pferd in der Antike - Von Troja bis Olympia. Eine Ausstellung in Münster.” Antike Welt - Zeitschrift für Archäologie und Kulturgeschichte, № 22 (4): 8–12.
- Lichtenberger, A, and Nieswandt, H-H. . “Götter, Pferde und Kentauren. Pferde im antiken Kult und Mythos von Troja bis Olympia.” Antike Welt - Zeitschrift für Archäologie und Kulturgeschichte, № 22 (4): 27–32.
- Neumann, Georg, and Lohwasser, Angelika. . “Ein Luxusobjekt mit militärischem Nutzen - Pferde in Ägypten und Vorderasien.” Antike Welt - Zeitschrift für Archäologie und Kulturgeschichte, № 2022 (4): 17–22.
- Blaschke, Olaf. . “Die “Erfindung des Ultramontanismus” samt dergleichen “Wortmachereyen”. Ein historischer Grundbegriff und seine Geschichte zwischen Schmähwort und Ehrentitel (1690-1960).” Historisches Jahrbuch, № 142: 352–400.
- Fuchs, Doris, and Lennartz, Benedikt. . “Business interest in human rights regulation. Shaping actors’ duties and rights.” Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy (CRISPP), № 25 doi: 10.1080/13698230.2022.2113226.
- Sahakian, Marlyne, Stroude, Aurianne, Godin, Laurence, Courtin, Irène, Fahy, Frances, Fuchs, Doris, and Langlois, Justine. . “Reflexivity through practice-informed student journals: how “sustainable wellbeing” relates to teleoaffectivities.” Sustainability: Science, Practice, and Policy, № 18 (1): 247–262. doi: 10.1080/15487733.2022.2043078.
- Wiedebusch, Silvia, and Quante, Michael. . “Ethische Kompetenzen von Lehrkräften in inklusiven Schulen.” SchulVerwaltung Nordrhein-Westfalen, № 33 (Heft 7-8): 218–222.
- Ernst, Anna, and Fuchs, Doris. . “Power dynamics, shifting roles, and learning: Exploring key actors in participation processes in the German Energy Transformation.” Energy Research and Social Science, № 85 102420. doi: 10.1016/j.erss.2021.102420.
- Landefeld, Katrin Maria. . “The Significance of Corrections for the Examination of the Emergence of Variants.” New Testament Studies, № 68 (4): 418–430. doi: 10.1017/S002868852200008X.
- Quante, Michael. . “Die Pflicht, (sich) zu erinnern (in japanischer Sprache).” Purakushisu / Praxis (in japanischer Sprache), № 23: 33–42.
- Klein, SJansen M, and Lichtenberger, ATal O. . “Archaeometallurgical Analysis of Lead Weights and Sling Bullets from Seleucid Tell Iẓṭabba: More on Lead Origin in Seleucid Palestine.” Tel Aviv, № 49: 267–292. doi: 10.1080/03344355.2022.2102113.
- Lichtenberger, A, T, Schreiber, and Zardaryan, MH. . “Artaxata in Armenien. Eine hellenistische Metropole in der Ararat Ebene.” Antike Welt - Zeitschrift für Archäologie und Kulturgeschichte, № 22 (5): 41–47.
- Gumbert, Tobias, Mamut, Pia, Fuchs, Doris, and Welck, Tobias. . “Sustainable consumption and the power of economic growth: exploring alternatives to the growth-dependency narrative.” Consumption and Society, № 1 (2): 1–21. doi: 10.1332/JPPD7512.
- Berezhnaya, Liliya. . “„Jako niepokonanym murem, bronicie ziemię ruską”. Temat przedmurza w nowożytnych kronikach ukraińskich.” Perspektywy Kultury, № 38 (3): 175–197. doi: 10.35765/pk.2022.3803.12.
- Holdridge, G, Simpson, I, Lichtenberger, A, Raja, R, Kinnaird, TC, Sanderson, D, and Kristiansen, SM. . “Urban gardens in Antiquity: The case of Gerasa/Jerash in Jordan.” Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, № 46 103633. doi: 10.1016/j.jasrep.2022.103633.
- Schmidt-Leukel, Perry. . “Buddhist Accounts of Religious Diversity.” Studies in Interreligious Dialogue, № 31 (2021): 89–116. doi: 10.2143/SID.31.2.3290054.
- Schmidt-Leukel, Perry. . “Heilige Stille. Zur Bedeutung der Stille in den religiösen Traditionen.” Forschung & Lehre, № 29 (1/22): 16–17.
- Bollwerk, M, Schlipphak, B, and Back, M. . “Development and validation of the Perceived Societal Marginalization Scale.” European Journal of Psychological Assessment, № 38 (2): 137–149. doi: 10.1027/1015-5759/a000651.
- Daugbjerg, TS, Lichtenberger, A, Lindroos, A, Raja, R, and Olsen, J. . “Revisiting radiocarbon dating of lime mortar and lime plaster from Jerash in Jordan: Sample preparation by stepwise injection of diluted phosphoric acid.” Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, № 41 (103244) doi: 10.1016/j.jasrep.2021.103244.
- Kalaitzoglou, G, Lichtenberger, A, Möller, H, Raja, R, Bangsgaard, P, Eger, C, Merkel, S, Prange, M, Springer, A, Polla, S, and Larsen, JM. . “Preliminary report of the Fifth season of the Danish-German Jarash Northwest Quarter Project 2015.” Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan, № 60: 17–129.
- Kalaitzoglou, G, Lichtenberger, A, Möller, H, Raja, R, and Eger, C. . “Preliminary report of the Sixth season of the Danish-German Jarash Northwest Quarter Project 2016.” Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan, № 60: 131–226.
- Jensz, Felicity. . “Nationalismus in der deutschen Missionswissenschaft der Zwischenweltkriegszeit am Beispiel von Josef Schmidlin und Julius Richter.” Interkulturelle Theologie, № 48 (1): 7–29.
- Daugbjerg, S, T, A, Lichtenberger, A, Lindroos, D, Michalska, R, Raja, and J, Olsen. . “Radiocarbon dating of lime plaster from a Roman period cistern in ancient Gerasa, Jerash in Jordan.” Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, № 42: 103373. doi: 10.1016/j.jasrep.2022.103373.
- Ring, M., R., Eisenmann, C., Kandil, I., F., Steckhan, N., Demmrich, Klatte, S., C., Kessler, S., C., Jeitler, M., Boschmann, M., Michalsen, A., Blakeslee, B., S., Stöckigt, B., Stritter, W., Koppold-Liebscher, and A., D. . “Mental and Behavioural Responses to Bahá’í Fasting: Looking behind the Scenes of a Religiously Motivated Intermittent Fast Using a Mixed Methods Approach.” Nutrients, № 14 (5) doi: 10.3390/nu14051038.
- Barfod G H, Freestone I C, Jackson-Tal, RE, and Lichtenberger A, Raja R. . “Exotic glass types and the intensity of recycling in the northwest Quarter of Gerasa (Jerash, Jordan).” Journal of Archaeological Science, № 140 doi: 10.1016/j.jas.2022.105546.
- Lichtenberger, A. . “Suchmeldung: Ein Tremissis des Honorius aus der Sammlung Apostolo Zeno.” OZeAN. Online Zeitschrift zur Antiken Numismatik, № 4: 33–35. doi: 10.17879/ozean-2022-3800.
- Jensz, Felicity. . “Kolonialbotanik. Networks of collecting practices in colonial Germany.” Locus – Tijdschrift voor Cultuurwetenschappen, № 25
- Catharina, Von Scheliha Arnulf Jacob. . “Fortschritt in der Religionspolitik? Beobachtungen aus Anlass des Regierungswelchsels.” Zeitschrift für Religion und Weltanschauung, № 85 (1/2022): 3–17.
- Zettler, I, Schild, C, Lilleholt, L, Kroencke, L, Utesch, T, Moshagen, M, Böhm, R, Back, MD, and Geukes, K. . “The role of personality in COVID-19 related perceptions, evaluations, and behaviors: Findings across five samples, nine traits, and 17 criteria.” Social Psychological and Personality Science, № 13: 299–310. doi: 10.1177/19485506211001680.
- Hellmann, JH, Schlechter, P, Knausenberger, J, Bollwerk, M, Geukes, K, and Back, MD. . “Measuring perceived realistic physical threat imposed by migrants: Scale development and validation.” European Journal of Psychological Assessment, № 38 (4): 332–342. doi: 10.1027/1015-5759/a000668.
- Kamphuis, Kirsten. . “A Mirror for the Modern Girl: Work and Marriage in an Indonesian Magazine for Young Women, c. 1937-1941.” Journal of the History of Childhood and Youth, № 15 (1): 93–111. doi: 10.1353/hcy.2022.0005.
Entries in Encyclopediae (Book Contributions)
- Becker, Eve-Marie. . “Person, Character, Self.” in T&T Handbook to the Historical Paul, edited by Ryan S. Schellenberg and Heidi Wendt. London: Bloomsbury Publishing.
- Schmitt, Rüdiger. . “Magic.” in Enyclopedia of Material Culture in the Biblical World, edited by Berlejung Angelika. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck Verlag.
- Schmitt, Rüdiger. . “Divination, Media of.” in Encyclopedia of Material Culture in the Biblical World, edited by Berlejung Angelika. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck Verlag.
Audio Contributions
- Serup-Bilfeldt, and Kerstin. . “Der Priester August Rohling und seine Hetzschrift "Der Talmudjude" von 1871.”
Articles in Edited Books