Teaching Council

Group picture of the Teaching Council of the Rectorate of the University of Münster
(front, from left) Prof. Dr. Bernhard Marschall, Dr. Petra Lütke, Prof. Dr. Susanne Heinicke, Prof. Dr. Martin Bonsen (Chairman), Prof. Dr. Ulrike Weyland (back, from left) Prof. Dr. Monika Schönhoff, Dr. Ludger Hiepel, Prof. Dr. Nils Neuber, missing: Prof. Dr. Christine Dimroth, Prof. Dr. Thomas Hoeren
© Michael Möller

The Teaching Council is appointed by the Rectorate to consult and support the University management in fundamental and cross-disciplinary matters related to academics and teaching. Its tasks include developing quality assurance measures in order to secure future system accreditation, enhancing the profile of its teaching degree programmes, developing strategies for new degree programmes and advising the Rectorate on establishing new teaching guidelines. The members of the Teaching Council provide expertise on competitive procedures in the area of study and teaching. The Vice-Rector for Teaching and Studies is an advisory member of the Teaching Council.

Important prizes and competitions in teaching and academics

Members of the Teaching Council

Prof Dr Martin Bonsen
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Prof Dr Martin Bonsen (chairman)

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Prof Dr Christine Dimroth
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Prof Dr Christine Dimroth, born in 1967, studied German studies and Romance studies at the University of Marburg and the Freie Universität Berlin. In 1998 she earned her doctorate in German studies at the FU Berlin. Between 1998 and 2010 Professor Dimroth worked at the Language Acquisition Department of the Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics in Nijmegen, Netherlands. Parallel to these activities, she accepted teaching assignments at Osnabrück University and the University of Cologne. From 2010 to 2013 she was a professor for applied German linguistics at Osnabrück University. In 2013 she was appointed professor for German linguistics at the University of Münster. In the area of teacher training, Professor Dimroth is responsible for the DaZ (German as a Second Language) module at the University of Münster.

Prof Dr Susanne Heinicke
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Prof Dr Susanne Heinicke

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Dr Ludger Hiepel
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Dr Ludger Hiepel, born in 1985 in Gelsenkirchen, is a temporary lecturer at the Institute for Biblical Exegesis and Theology (IBET) at the Faculty of Catholic Theology. After studying Catholic Theology (Diplom) and the master’s programme “Ancient Cultures of the Eastern Mediterranean (AKOEM)” at the University of Münster, he completed a doctorate (Dr. phil.) in Ancient Near Eastern Studies with a thesis on the history of science (publication in preparation). In the post-doctoral phase, he is researching the Old Testament. He also works on higher education didactic topics and questions of digitisation. Already in 2016, he acquired the NRW certificate “Professional Teaching Competence for the University”. Since taking up his position as a research assistant, Hiepel has been involved in academic self-administration and committees. For example, he assisted with the initial accreditation for the master’s programme in Catholic Theology (Mag. theol.) and is a member of the faculty’s student advisory council. He is also involved in the “Theology and University Didactics” network.

Prof Dr Thomas Hoeren
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Prof Dr Thomas Hoeren was born in 1961. Following his studies in theology and law in Münster, Tübingen and London, he went on to earn his doctoral degree in law at the University of Münster in 1989, passed his Second State Examination in Law in 1991 and earned his habilitation in 1994. From 1995 to 1997 he was a professor for civil law and international business law at the University of Düsseldorf. Since April 1997 he has been a professor at the Faculty of Law at the University of Münster, as well as director of the Institute of Information, Telecommunication and Media Law (ITM). Professor Hoeren has also been an adjunct professor at the Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Information Technology (FIT) since 2012.

Dr Petra Lütke
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Dr Petra Lütke

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Prof Dr Bernhard Marschall
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Prof. Dr. Bernhard Marschall

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Prof Dr Nils Neuber
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Prof Dr Nils Neuber

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Prof Dr Monika Schönhoff
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Prof Dr Monika Schönhoff, born 1965, studied Physics at the University of Hannover, Germany, and received her PhD at the University of Mainz in 1994 working on light-induced switching processes in ultrathin organic films. As a postdoctoral researcher at University of Lund, Sweden, she turned to applying NMR methods to study colloidal systems and thin layers and consecutively built up an own research group at the Max-Planck-Institute of Colloids and Interfaces, Potsdam, Germany, from 1998. At the University of Münster, Germany, she was appointed as associate professor of Technical Physical Chemistry in 2003, and became full professor of Polymers and Nanostructures in 2011. Her current research interests are mechanistic studies of transport processes in electrolytes and self-assembled systems by employing NMR methods. Apart from various board functions in scientific associations she was vice dean (dean of education) of the Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy from 2016 to 2018.

Former members of the Teaching Council

  • Professor Dr Michael Joachim (mathematics): Vorsitzender 2018-2022
  • Professor Dr Cornelia Denz (physics): 2018-2022
  • Professor Dr Christine Dimroth (german studies): 2018-2022
  • Professor Dr Stephan Dutke (psychology): 2018-2022
  • Professor Dr Thomas Hoeren (law): 2018-2022
  • Professor Dr Judith Könemann (catholic theology): 2018-2022
  • Professor Dr rer. nat. Ulrich Mußhoff (medicine): 2018-2022
  • Professor Dr Ulrike Weyland (educational  science): 2018-2022
  • Professor Dr Dr hc Klaus Backhaus (business and economics): chairman 2011-2017
  • Professor Dr Gereon Heuft (medicine): 2011-2017
  • Professor Dr Christina Hoegen-Rohls (Protestant theology): 2011-2017
  • Professor Dr Michael Joachim (mathematics): 2011-2017
  • Professor Dr Regina Jucks (psychology): 2011-2017
  • Professor Dr Bruno Moerschbacher (biology): 2011-2017
  • Professor Dr Ewald Terhart (educational science): 2011-2017
  • Professor Dr Hans-Ulrich Thamer (history): 2011-2017