Franz W. Mönke, M.Sc.

Research Associate
Division Psychology of Entrepreneurship
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Philipp Schäpers

Academic Advisor
Coordinator of the ERASMUS-program
Department of Psychology

Room 69a / IV
Fliednerstraße 21
48149 Münster

+49 251 83 34103
E-Mail: franz.moenke@uni-muenster.de
For ERASMUS matters:

Research focus

  • Cybervetting: Social media assessments in personnel selection
  • Personnel selection and psychological assessment
  • Political psychology
  • Psychology of entrepreneurship
  • Engineering psychology
  • Curriculum Vitae


    since 04/2022
    University of Münster: Ph.D. student

    10/2019 – 09/2021
    Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin: Master of Science – Psychology – Top 3 Student
    Thesis: "Politics in Cybervetting and Hireability Judgments - Testing a Similarity-Bias and Advancing the Political Affiliation Model in the Multi-Party Society of Germany" (Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Schäpers, Prof. Dr. Ursula Hess)

    10/2016 – 09/2019
    Freie Universität Berlin: Bachelor of Science – Psychology – Top 3%
    Thesis: "Führungskräfte zwischen Wunsch und Wirklichkeit: Der Einfluss von Impliziten Führungstheorien auf Einflusserwartungen im Führungskontext" (Supervisors: Dr. Liebermann, Dr. May, Prof. Dr. Kerschreiter)

    09/2015 – 08/2016
    Deutscher Bundestag / Office of Steffi Lemke MP: Voluntary Service in Politics / Democracy

    08/2009 – 06/2015
    Humboldt-Gymnasium Eichwalde: A-Levels (High School) – Top of the Year

    Professional Experience

    since 11/2022
    University of Münster: Exchange Coordinator and Student Council, Department of Psychology

    since 11/2021
    University of Münster: Research Associate in Psychology of Entrepreneurship, Jun.-Prof. Dr. Schäpers

    09/2016 – 10/2021
    Steffi Lemke MP: Student Assistant

    04/2021 – 10/2021
    nextmove / CYX mobile KG: Assistant in rental service, Berlin branch

    03/2020 – 09/2021
    Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin: Student Assistant in Engineering Psychology, Prof. Dr. Onnasch

    01/2019 – 10/2019
    Freie Universität Berlin: Student Assistant in Personality Psychology and Psychological Assessment, Prof. Dr. Mussel

  • Publications

    Journal articles (peer-reviewed)

    Mönke, F. W., Roulin, N., Lievens, F., Bartossek, M. T., & Schäpers, P. (in press). Validity of social media assessments in personnel selection: A systematic review of the initial evidence. European Journal of Psychological Assessment.

    Schäpers, P., Heinemann, H., Pañellas Alvarez, D., Nohr, L., & Mönke, F. W. (2024). Different culture, same situation? Translating and applying a Situational Judgment Test from Germany in Cuba. Psychological Test Adaptation and Development, 5(1), 1–11. https://doi.org/10.1027/2698-1866/a000066

    Sallach, T., Mönke, F. W., & Schäpers. P. (2024). Cybervetting of organizational citizenship behavior expectations: Profile summary as a key in LinkedIn-based assessments. Computers in Human Behavior, 154, Article 108113. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chb.2023.108113

    Mönke, F. W., Lievens, F., Hess, U., & Schäpers, P. (2024). Politics speak louder than skills: Political similarity effects in hireability judgments in multiparty contexts and the role of political interest. Journal of Applied Psychology, 109(1), 1-12. https://doi.org/10.1037/apl0001124
    Recognized as the Editor's Choice.

    Mönke, F. W., & Schäpers, P. (2022). Too early to call: What we do (not) know about the validity of cybervetting. Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 15(3), 334-341. https://doi.org/10.1017/iop.2022.51

    Book Chapters

    Mönke, F. W., Lüdemann, H., & Schäpers, P. (2023). Cybervetting: Valide Personalauswahl mit sozialen Netzwerken? [Cybervetting: Valid personnel selection with social media?]. In K. P. Stulle & R. T. Justenhoven (Eds.), Personalauswahl 4.0: KI, Machine Learning, Gamification und andere Innovationen in der Praxis (pp. 55–71). Springer Gabler. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-658-42142-7_4

    Magazine articles

    Mönke, F. & Schäpers, P. (2022). Cybervetting: Wie Social Media die Personalauswahl verändert [Cybervetting: How social media changes personnel selection]. Wirtschaftspsychologie aktuell, 29(3), 20-24. [LINK]

    Chaired Symposia

    Mönke, F. W. (Chair), & Levashina, J. (Discussant) (2024, April 17-20). How (not) to cybervet: New insights from social media in selection [Symposium]. 39th Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Annual Conference, Chicago, IL, United States.

    Conference presentations

    Mönke, F. W., Bürger, A. S., & Schäpers, P. (2024, April 17-20). When less is not more: The incomplete information bias in cybervetting. In F. W. Mönke (Chair) and J. Levashina (Discussant), How (not) to cybervet: New insights from social media in selection [Symposium]. 39th Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Annual Conference, Chicago, IL, United States.

    Schäpers, P., Sallach, T., & Mönke, F. W. (2024, April 17-20). Profile summary as a key in LinkedIn-based OCB assessments. In F. W. Mönke (Chair) and J. Levashina (Discussant), How (not) to cybervet: New insights from social media in selection [Symposium]. 39th Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Annual Conference, Chicago, IL, United States.

    Mönke, F. W., Kooshani, H. F., & Schäpers, P. (2024, April 17-20). (Not) Believing in hireability: Religious similarity bias in cybervetting [Poster]. Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Annual Conference, Chicago, IL, United States.

    Mönke, F. W., Bürger, A. S., & Schäpers, P. (2023, September 12-15).  (K)ein Like aus der Personalabteilung? Fehlende Informationen und Entscheidungsprozesse in Cybervetting. In J. Basch & H. Lingel (Chairs), Digitalisierung in der Personalauswahl [Symposium]. 13th Congress of the German Psychological Society, Section for Work, Organizational and Business Psychology, Kassel, Germany.

    Mönke, F. W., Bürger, A. S., & Schäpers, P. (2023, May 24–27). No profile, no job? The role of missing information and recruiter perceptions in cybervetting [Conference presentation]. 21st Congress of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology, Katowice, Poland. 

    Mönke, F. W., Hess, U., & Schäpers, P. (2022, September 10–15). Judging applicants by their political cover: The role of interests, experience, and multi-party context in cybervetting similarity biases. In J. Basch & S. Krumm (Chairs), Assessment in new ways: Technology in personnel selection [Symposium]. 52nd Congress of the German Psychological Society, Hildesheim, Germany.

    Mönke, F. W., Hess, U., & Schäpers, P. (2022, May 9–13). Knowing me, hiring you: Multiparty context, political interest, and recruiter experience influence political similarity biases in personnel selection [Conference presentation]. XII Encuentro Internacional de Estudiantes de Psicología [12th International Meeting of Psychology Students], La Habana, Cuba.

  • Awards and Grants

    Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development – Mick Marchington Applied Research Grant: £6000

    Project: Social Media Assessments in Selection: Toward a Better Understanding of the (In)Validity of Cybervetting
    Awarded to Franz W. Mönke and team: Philipp Schäpers, Filip Lievens, & Jana Holtmann

    Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology – SIOP Student Travel Award: $500

    University of Münster, Santander Mobilitätsfonds – Travel Grant: €500

    01/2024 – 02/2024
    Lim Kim San Fellowship in Leadership: Faculty for Organizational Behavior and Human Resources, Lee Kong Chian School of Business, Singapore Management University. Research stay with Prof. Dr. Lievens.

    Journal of Applied Psychology 109(1): Editor’s Choice

    University of Münster, Santander Mobilitätsfonds – Travel Grant: €200

    3rd prize in the poster award: Science to Start-up Convention, REACH Euregio Start-Up Center

    Honorable mention: Top-3 graduate from the master's program in Psychology (Class of 2021)
    Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany

    ERASMUS staff mobility: Research stay at the Facultad de Psicología, Universidad de La Habana, Cuba

    02/2017 – 09/2021
    Scholarship for academic excellence from Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes
    (German Academic Scholarship Foundation)

    Top of the year award at Humboldt-Gymnasium Eichwalde, awarded by Dahme-Spreewald County
    Humboldt price of the Humboldt-Gymnasium Eichwalde's association