Dr. Danhua Zhu
© Danhua Zhu
Dr. Danhua Zhu
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin (WiRe)
Raum 214
Fliednerstr. 21
48149 Münster
  • Lebenslauf

    Beruflicher Werdegang

    Seit 01/2025

    Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin (WiRe), Universität Münster, Deutschland

    08/2023 - 12/2024

    Postdoktorandin, Universität von Kalifornien-Irvine, USA

    10/2021 - 06/2023

    Postdoc-Stipendiatin, Universität Houston, USA



    Ph.D. (Entwicklungspsychologie, Psychologie) Virginia Tech, USA


    M.Sc. (Entwicklungpsychologie, Psychologie) Virginia Tech, USA


    B.Sc. (Psychologie) Beijing Normal University, China

  • Forschung

    Soziale, emotionale und schulische Entwicklung von Kindern & elterliche Emotionssozialisation  

    • Geschlechtsspezifische Unterschiede zwischen Kindern und Eltern
    • Interkulturelle Unterschiede
    • Einflüsse kulturell geprägter Faktoren (z. B. Sozialisationsziele, Selbstkonstrukt)


    • Frühe Kindheit, mittlere Kindheit und frühe Adoleszenz
  • Publikationen

    Artikel in Fachzeitschriften

    Zhu, D., Lozada, F. T., Smith, C. L., Bell, M. A., & Dunsmore, J. C. (2025). Maternal emotion socialization and child regulation: Within-interaction sequences in early childhood. Affective Science. https://doi.org/10.1007/s42761-024-00285-7

    Peplak, J., Klemfuss, J. Z., Zhu, D., Kamliot, D. Z., & Yates, T. M. (2025). Parent–adolescent conversations about mental health and well-being shaped adolescents’ anxiety/depression during the COVID-19 pandemic. Developmental Psychology. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1037/dev0001895

    Zhu, D., Miller-Slough, R., Garner, P. W., & Dunsmore, J. C. (2024). Adolescent peer relations difficulties, prosociality, and parental emotion socialization: Moderating roles of adolescent gender. Journal of Genetic Psychology, 186(1), 39–55. https://doi.org/10.1080/00221325.2024.2386012

    Zhu, D., Terry, J. B., Talley, K. E., Bell, M. A., & Dunsmore, J. C. (2024). Etch the emotional life: Mother-child emotion socialization from age 3 to 6 years. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 33, 1571–1589. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10826-024-02799-x

    Zhu, D., Chen, Y., Li, L., & Dunsmore, J. C. (2023). Family functioning, emotion socialization, and children’s social competence: Gender-specific effects in Chinese families. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 32, 257–271. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10826-022-02480-1

    Miller-Slough, R., Zhu., D., Garner, P. W., & Dunsmore, J. C. (2023). Parents’ and friends’ responses to discrete negative emotions: Associations with adolescent emotional experiences. Social Development, 32(1), 283–298. https://doi.org/10.1111/sode.12639

    Zhu, D. & Dunsmore, J. C. (2023). Family functioning and emotion socialization in Chinese two-parent households: A person-centered approach. In Zhu, D. & Dunsmore, J. C. (Hrsg.) Unfolding emotion socialization in Asian-heritage families, Quartet. Social Development, 32(2), 463–480. https://doi.org/10.1111/sode.12605


    Shaffer, A., Zhu, D., Terry, J. B., Navarro, S., & Dunsmore, J. C. (2025). Emotion socialization in the family context: Current research directions and applications to intervention. In N. C. Overall, J. A. Simpson, & J. A. Lavner (Hrsg.), The Research Handbook on Couple and Family Relationships (S. 186–201). Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd. https://doi.org/10.4337/9781035309269.00022

  • Lehre


    Gastdozentin: Emotional competence for graduate seminar Childhood, University of California-Irvine, USA

    Sommer 2022    

    Center for the Integration of Research, Teaching and Leaning Associate Level Certificate, University of Houston, USA

    Frühjahr 2019         

    Cognitive Psychology Lab, Virginia Tech, USA

    Herbst 2018               

    Developmental Psychology Lab, Virginia Tech, USA