Promovierende des Promotionskollegs Empirische und Angewandte Sprachwissenschaft
© Uni Münster - Nike Gais

 Die Promovierenden

Name Dissertationsprojekt
Alexandra Chudar Diminutiveness in the National Varieties of English
Marie Daiber Erzählfähigkeiten von Vorschulkindern mit Hörstörungen
Laura Duve Man zwischen ‘Mann’ und ‘Mensch’ – Zum Geschlechtsbezug des Pronomens man in der Diachronie des Deutschen

Ryan Durgasingh

Factors Affecting Trinidadian English Morphosyntax
Nele Focke Verbal Aspect in Old East Slavic
Cuicui Gao

Metadiscourse in Academic Lectures: A Comparative Analysis of MOOCs and University Lectures

Anna Greilich Voice-based human-computer interaction: Talking to a non-cooperative partner in a foreign language
Eva Hänsel

Standard accents in the Grenadian secondary and tertiary educational system: A study of attitudes and usage

Polina Kashkarova Linguistic representation of Russian characters in American cinema
Oleksandra Kuzmenko User Names in Online and Offline Role-Playing Gaming
Alamgir Mandal Multi-verb Constructions in Bangla: Syntax and Semantics of Packaging information of Events
Anila Nosheen Comprehensive Lexico-Semantic Typological Kin-Kit of Major Pakistani Languages
Constanza Quinteros Ortiz The role of metacognition in multilingual language learning: A reconciliation of qualitative and quantitative data in a case study
Anne Renzel Processing flexible argument structure: a contrastive-psycholinguistic approach to permissive subjects and middles in Dutch, German and English
Sara Kristina Roters

„Macron a tort tout seul, nous avons raison ensemble !“ – Reformdiskurse in der Presse und den sozialen Medien im diskurs- und korpuslinguistischen Vergleich am Beispiel der französischen Rentenreform 2023

Sara Serroukh Cross-linguistic Influence in Third Language Acquisition: The Effect of Language Distance, Level of Proficiency, and Task Type on the Choice of the Source Language of Lexical Transfer: The Case of Moroccan EFL Learners
Rieke Siemon Konzeptualisierung von Motion Events im Deutschen und Französischen: Die Kodierung von Ähnlichkeiten und Kontrasten
David Wirthmüller Genus im deutschen Erstspracherwerb
Decai Xia Singing training and its influence on foreign language pronunciation: A longitudinal study
Feixue Zhao

Thinking for speaking in a second language