5th event in the „ZIN-Brown Bag Lectures” series: „Diverse Arenas of Political and Social Participation and Learning”

On Thursday, 27.06. at 12:15 p.m. CET, political scientists Prof. Antonia Graf and Tomma Wagner and educational scientists Prof. Christian Fischer and Dr. David Rott will give short lectures on the topic „Diverse Arenas of Political and Social Participation and Learning” as part of the "ZIN-Brown Bag Lectures".

What are the individual lectures about? You can find out in these abstracts:

  • “Transformative Learning: Structural requirements and implementation options in schools” (Christian Fischer & David Rott): Transformative learning requires diverse approaches and methods that open up fields of action for learners in which they can further develop their own thinking and actions. The aim of transformative learning is to change routines of thought and action. The lecture will present the scientific background with a view to a meta-architecture of transformative learning that can be used to implement corresponding programmes in schools. Phenomenon-based learning is presented as an example of how it is implemented at a grammar school in the Münsterland. Insights are given into the accompanying empirical research, which deals with issues such as critical thinking and the global competencies of students.
  • “Incuding the excluded. Questions of representation in mobility related citizen participation” (Antonia Graf & Tomma Wagner): Vulnerable groups face a twofold challenge with regard to democratic participation in sustainable mobility transitions: on the one hand, socio-demographic factors limit their access to (sustainable) mobility options (transport poverty); on the other hand, their voices are less heard in the debate on mobility transition. The presentation aims to identify requirements for citizen participation that meet the challenges of this ‘double exclusion’. We conceptualize ‘democratic representation’ with the help of democratic theory. Drawing on interviews with professional participation organizations, experiences from everyday participation practices are elicited, due to the requirements of groups vulnerable to exclusion. As a result, we expect a series of practice-relevant recommendations that should help to break the negative feedback loop of social exclusion and transport poverty by bringing together participation practice and democratic theory.
The event will take place in lecture hall F4 (Fürstenberghaus) and online (click here for access data). No prior knowledge is required. You are welcome to bring a small lunch! Information on this and the other events of the "ZIN-Brown Bag Lectures" can also be found on LinkedIn (@Zentrum für interdisziplinäre Nachhaltigkeitsforschung) and Facebook (@ZIN.unimuenster).