News 2022

ZIN-Spokeswoman Doris Fuchs participates in the Press Briefing of the Science Media Center as expert

Commemorating the 50th anniversary of the “Limits to Growth” report, Prof. Fuchs discussed “green” growth with other scholars

The Science Media Center commemorated the 50th anniversary of the Club of Rome report “Limits to Growth” by hosting a Press Briefing and discussing the issue of infinite growth. Questions such as “Is there are a chance for “Green Growth” through decarbonization, circular economy, and the efficient use of resources?” were debated by Prof. Doris Fuchs, ZIN-spokeswoman, and other experts. | Read more

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New publication: Article from Prof. Bodo Philipp's working group on possibilities for a more sustainable use of fermentation residues.

Samples from biogas plants in the Muensterland region were examined for the study

Dr. Johannes Holert, a junior scientist in the group of ZIN member Prof. Bodo Philipp, published the article "Biogas digestate as a sustainable phytosterol source for biotechnological cascade valorization" in the journal Microbial Biotechnology together with other authors. | Read More

Prof. Dr. Anne Käfer on ethics in democratic sustainability policy

In the recently published edited volume "Demokratie und Nachhaltigkeit," ZIN-member Anne Käfer discusses the importance of ethics for questions on democratic sustainability policy. She argues that the distinction between the spheres of "ethics" and "politics" makes it possible to perceive different understandings of "good" and "just" as well as to distinguish these from the reality of political negotiations and political compromises. | More information

Münster Climate Talk on opportunities and strategies of a sufficiency policy for Münster" on September 15, 7:30 p.m.

How much resource consumption and climate damage caused by the pursuit of prosperity can our planet still tolerate? How can we create a good life for ourselves and future generations under the given conditions? What constitutes a good life - individually and socially? In particular: What role can and must a local sufficiency policy play in this? And what is the situation in Münster in this respect? | More information

Courses on a wide range of sustainability issues offered by the ZIN in summer semester 2022

As in every semester, members and junior scholars of the ZIN offer a wide variety of intriguing courses on sustainability issues relevant to their respective disciplines. This includes, for example, the excursion “Environmental protection and society from the viewpoint of an (extreme) botanist”, seminars such as “Green Cities?” and “Sociology of the Climate Crisis”, and lectures such as “Bioethics”. An overview of all courses can be found in the “Teaching” section of this website.


ZIN participation in the university’s sustainability event

CAMPUS EARTH Day will take place on October 20, starting at 9:30 a.m.

On Thursday, October 20, WWU will host its first Sustainability Day, titled "Campus Earth Day". The event focuses on global, social, and intergenerational resource sustainability. The public is invited to come and exchange ideas with experts from the university. | More information

UNFCCC Official COP27 Event with ZIN participation

On Friday, November 11, from 10:30 am - 12:00 pm, the UNFCCC Official Side Event "Reaching Women Farmers With Climate Resilience Strategies in Africa and Asia" will take place. The Working Group Ecological Planning (located at the Institute of Landscape Ecology), which includes ZIN members Prof. Tillmann Buttschardt and Dr. Cornelia Steinhäuser, is organizing this event as part of the 27th Conference of the Convention on Climate Change in Sharm El Sheik, Egypt, together with the CGIAR Gender Platform. | More information

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The volume ‘Democracy and Sustainability’ brings together current perspectives on a complex relationship: How can democracy become an instrument in the fight against the global environmental and climate crisis instead of standing in the way of necessary changes? Can democratic decision-making processes, often perceived as painfully slow and inflexible, assist in finding viable solutions to the current challenges in this respect? | More information

Public lecture series "REACH for Sustainability" with ZIN participation starts on October 13

In winter semester 2022/23, the public lecture series "REACH for Sustainability" on the topic of sustainability in entrepreneurship will take place. The series is organized by the REACH EUREGIO Start-Up Center and comprises a total of six lectures. Each one will focus on a different key topic such as the basics of sustainability, public welfare accounting or social entrepreneurship.
At the kick-off event on October 13, ZIN member Prof. Quante and ZIN Jun. scholar Carolin Bohn will give lectures on different basics of sustainability. | More information

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Interview on the project BIOCIVIS: Citizen participation as a path to a sustainable bioeconomy?

In an interview with bioö, Professor Doris Fuchs emphasizes the importance of information and dialogue

On December 6, the initiative “bioö” of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research published an interview with ZIN spokesperson Prof. Doris Fuchs focusing on opportunities for citizen participation in the transformation towards a sustainable bioeconomy. | Read more