A different kind of theater: "Thinking space for utopias - a performance of sciences". The theater project of "Denkraum für Utopien- eine Performance der Wissenschaften"
The project is an interplay of science, art and climate activism, in which scientists* also have their say on stage. Together, possible strategies for action to implement the demands of the Fridays for Future movement will be performed.
The fact that no further-reaching measures are taken to comply with the planetary boundaries is often justified on the grounds of social sustainability. But what does "renunciation" mean, and isn't the gain of renunciation indispensable? What if the societies of this planet were to implement their own visions of a carbon-neutral and socio-ecologically just world? Can this be done by democratic means, or would it take a global, absolute government to turn the tide? And how can each individual act to make a difference?
The performance Denkraum der Utopien opens up a sensual space for thought and action - a space of knowledge, art and participation. An arena of visions and utopias declares war on dystopia. Nothing is as it seems, and yet everything is true, and we are all therefore invited to turn the world upside down and jump right in. You can find the link to the teaser here, more information and dates here.