Sustainable Consumption in Germany – fair, ecological and collectively responsible?
Tomorrow, March 23rd 2017, the National Conference on the implementation of sustainable consumption takes place in Berlin. ZIN-spokeswoman Prof.’in Doris Fuchs is invited to the conference under the motto of “Sustainable Consumption in Germany – Fair, ecological and collectively responsible” (own translation).
In the run up to the conference, Prof.’in Fuchs and other well-known consumption researchers wrote an open letter conveying sharp criticism in relation to the National Program for sustainable consumption. Above all, they make clear that resource efficient consumption will not be sufficient to reach sustainability. In order to allow for current and future generations to have the possibility of leading a good life inside planetary boundaries, we have to consume not only differently, but less. With regard to this topic, Prof.’in Fuchs works on the concept of consumption corridors, together with colleagues from inside and outside Germany.