Second round of the ZIN-“Brotzeitkolloquium” in summer term 2017

Inspired by the American Brown Bag Lunches, the first ZIN- “Brotzeitkolloquium” (“Brotzeit” being the German term for a light meal) took place in summer term 2016, inviting researchers from different disciplines to illustrate how “their” field approaches the topic sustainability. The lectures were open to both students of all departments as well as to interested citizens.

During the summer term 2017, the Brotzeitkolloquium invites students and the interested public again, this time under the topic of “climate and justice”. Once again, researchers from various disciplines will approach the topic differently: while one researcher focusses on the role of religious actors in the Framework Convention on Climate Change, another one examines the contribution of microbial biotechnology to low-carbon production processes and still others set further different focusses.

The series of events will be opened up on Thursday, 11th of May with a lecture of Prof. Dr. Andreas Lienkamp (12.15 - 13.45 p.m., F2 Fürstenberghaus). Under the title “Klimagerechtigkeit – Fairness in Zeiten globaler Erwärmung” (i.e. “Climate Justice – Fairness in times of global warming), he talks about questions of intragenerational and interstate justice resulting from human-caused climate change. After explaining the quite recent principle of climate justice, Prof. Lienkamp will give a brief introduction on global warming and some of its consequences. As a next step, the topic of justice will be examined in international climate negotiations together with an analysis of the different fairness-related problems. Finally, the speaker will present and discuss five criteria of climate justice that have emerged as essential standards in environmental ethics and climate policy.

All lectures are taking place on Thursdays 12.15-13.45 p.m. More detailed information about dates and places can be found under the rubric “dates” or on the poster of the lectures series. Students from all fields and interested citizens are invited to join. The lectures do not require prior knowledge. Lunch can be brought.