Instructions for Filling out the Forms for the application, extension and expansion of IT administration accounts
Download the following forms from the website of IVV Naturwissenschaften:
To fill in the forms, please use the Adobe Acrobat only, as only in this application the PDF form functions are supported correctly.
You have to fill in both forms and have them completed and signed by your Area Manager as proposer. The Area Manager then sends both forms signed and with the stamp of the institution, together with copies of the certificates of qualification to the IVV Naturwissenschaften.
Preferably via email: or exceptionally via Fax +49 251 83-93337500
You must also apply for an additional account in the IT portal when applying for a new administrative account as described here.
If it is merely a matter of extending a W, Y, BIO, CHE, PHY or NWZ account for which the Instruction within the scope of the appointment for IT Administration, transfer of entrepreneurial duties in the area of work concerned (if applicable) has already taken place and the proof of qualification has been provided, you do not need to submit this again.
The forms have to be filled in in the following way:
1.1 IT Administration IVV Naturwissenschaften
Please fill in the areas of the form that are marked green, but do not fill in the red framed areas.
1.1.1 Personal Data
Delete the incorrect form of address Mr., Ms. or Mx. in the first line and enter your complete name. Afterwards enter your personal user ID on the right. Here the non-administrative user ID is meant, that you also use for e.g. receiving emails. Enter the user ID (e.g. amust_01) and not the email alias (e.g. Angelika.Mustermann).
1.1.2 Work Area
In the second line, enter for which work area you are applying for administrative rights. If you need administrative rights for several workgroups, you need to fill in the form for each workgroup separately.
1.1.3 Role
Specify which role shall be carried out by you.
- If you only manage devices apart from the NWZ, you do not need to indicate anything in addition here.
- If you only asked to manage PCs with a "W account", tick "Computer Adminstrator (W) ".
- As workgroup administrator with a "Y account" who will act for the whole workgroup, tick "Workgroup administrator (Y)".
- If you are to be an administrator for an entire department, check Department Administrator (BIO/CHE/PHY).
- If you are going to take responsibilty for comprehensive tasks with "NWZ-Account" in the IVV, tick "IVV Administrator (NWZ)".
If you want to apply for, renew or extend an administrative ID for NWZ, fill in the box on the left accordingly.
1.1.4 Type of Request
Tick whether you want to request a new administrative user ID, renew an existing administrative user ID in an admin group, or extend an existing administrative user ID to another admin group.
1.1.5 Administrative User ID
If you already posess an administrative user ID (W, Y, BIO, CHE, PHY or NWZ account), enter it here please.
If you do not have an administrative user ID, please leave the entry for the adminstrative User ID blank. The IVV and the Identitymanagement will assign an appropriate name. When applying for a new administrative user ID, additionally you have to apply for an additional user ID in the IT portal. For further information, please visit this page.In the next line, enter the "Project group" you want to have administrative access to. First select the first letter of the group name from the dropdown list, for physics this is a "p", for chemistry a "q", for biology an "r" for institutes from other divisions this can be another letter, e.g. "s" for geosciences and "e" for medicine. Afterwards enter the rest of the group name on the right of the "0".
In the next line, enter the admin group that the user ID should be assigned to.This corresponds to the previously entered project group, when filling in with Adobe Acrobat the values given in the previous line are taken over. Otherwise, enter the first letter of the group name first again, for physics this is a "p", for chemistry a "q", for biology an "r" for institutes from other subject areas this can be another letter, e.g. "s" for geosciences and "e" for medicine.
Delete the incorrect task number, when filling in with Adobe Acrobat, this will be taken care of automatically by selecting the Role (1.1.3). The "1" is to be used for W accounts (the "2" has to be deleted in that case), the "2" is used for Y and NWZ accounts (the "1" has to be deleted here).
Again enter the rest of the group name. When filling in with Adobe Acrobat this will be adopted automatically from the project group.
1.1.6 Qualifications
To fill the role of an IT administrator, you have to provide the necessary qualifications, which will be checked by the IVV. Therefore, tick under "Qualifications" the corresponding courses that you have participated in.
If you e.g. have participated in courses of the IVV, tick "Participation in courses of the IVV" and tick the topics, in which you have participated. Enter the term in which you have participated in the course, according to the certificate of attendance. If you have attended a course several times, only enter the most recent date. Please add a copy of the certificate of attendance.
In order to get a W account, you must have participated in the courses about "IVV Naturwissenschaften - NWZ" and according to the supervised devices "Windows-Installation" and "Windows - Security" or "Linux - Installation" and "Linux - Security" or "macOS - Installation" and "macOS - Security". Additionally "IT-Sicherheit am Arbeitsplatz" by Uni-Fortbildung is required.
For Y, BIO, CHE, PHY and NWZ accounts the courses "Workgroup administration" and "IT-Security" are compulsory in addition to the courses for the W account.IVV Course Topic IT Administrator W Account Y Account Win Lin Mac Win Lin Mac Win Lin Mac IVV Naturwissenschaften - NWZ x x x Workgroup Administration x IT security x Windows - Installation x x Windows - Security x x x Linux - Installation x x Linux - Security x x x macOS - Installation x x macOS - Security x x x Uni-Fortbildung Course Topic IT Administrator W Account Y Account Win Lin Mac Win Lin Mac Win Lin Mac IT - Sicherheit am Arbeitsplatz x x x If you have acquired the necessary knowledge in courses of the Uni-Fortbildung, or other training opportunities, tick "Other" and add copies of the corresponding certificates of attendance. Here it is decided on a case-by-case basis whether the knowledge acquired constitutes a sufficient qualification.
As of the winter term 2021/22, the IVV training course "Safety and Security in the Workspace" will be replaced by the Uni-Fortbildungsangebot "IT-Sicherheit am Arbeitsplatz: Einführung". For this topic you will receive the certificate of attendance from the Uni-Fortbildung, please do not forget to attach a copy of this to your application as well.
If it is merely an extension of a W, Y, BIO, CHE, PHY or NWZ account for which proof of qualification has already been provided, you do not need to resubmit it. Then tick the box "Proofs already on file". The IVV will then check on the basis of the documents at its disposal.
Employees and apprentices of the IVV do not need to provide proof of qualification, they tick "Faculty/Staff/Apprentice of the IVV".
1.1.7 Date and Signature
Enter the date and sign the application on the line "Signature Applicant" and add the copies of certificates of attendance, as necessary.
1.2 Instruction within the scope of the appointment for IT-Administration
If it is only a matter of extending a W, Y or NWZ account for which the instruction was given as part of the appointment to IT administrator, you do not need to submit this documentation again.
1.2.1 Date and Signature
By entering the date and your signature on the "Signature of the Instructed" line, you confirm that you have been informed about your duties as an IT administrator by the Area Manager.
1.3 Transfer of Entrepreneurial Duties
If it is only a matter of extending a W, Y or NWZ account for which the transfer of entrepreneurial duties already exists in the relevant workgroup, you do not need to submit it again.
The transfer of entrepreneurial duties may only take place in the case of employees. In the case of assistants or persons without an employment relationship with the university, the instruction according to 1.2 is sufficient
1.3.1 Personal Data
In the first line, delete the title Mr. or Mrs. that does not apply and enter your full name.
1.3.2 Work Area
In the second line, specify the workgroup for which the administrative rights are requested. If you need administrative rights for several workgroups, you must fill out the form separately for each workgroup.
Tick whether you are an academic or non-academic employee. In the third line, enter the institute or institution to which the workgroup belongs.
1.3.3 Entrepreneurial Duties
Enter in the table the obligations assigned to you. When applying for a NWZ W- or Y-Account please enter the matching details:
Nr. Short Designation Notes 1 W Account Computer Administration (W) 1 Y Account Workgroup Administration (Y) 1 NWZ Account IVV Administration (NWZ) If you only manage devices outside of NWZ, specify the transferred entrepreneur duties in detail, e.g.:
Nr. Short Designation Notes 1 Linuxadministration Operation of the Linux PCs in the workgroup 2 Serveradministration Operation of the Linux cluster of the workgroup (Web, File, Print, Compute) 3 Printeradministration Operation of the institute printers in the network If you need different administrative accounts, you have to fill in the form for every account seperately.
1.3.4 Date and Signature
Enter the current date and sign on the line "Signature of the Instructed".
Leave both forms with the copies of the certificates of attendance with the workgroup leader or the responsible area manager.Work Area Manager
2.1 IT Administration IVV Naturwissenschaften
Please fill in the area of the form that is marked yellow.
2.1.1 Limitation of Access
Indicate, whether the administrative access should be given for two years (maximum) or whether it should have a earlier termination date (e.g.Termination of a temporary employment). Only enter this in the second case in the space left free for this purpose. Access can be granted for a maximum of 2 years (the last calendar day of the current month is decisive) and must then be extended. If you do not enter anything here, the access will automatically be set up/extended for 2 years from the processing of the application (at the end of the month).
2.1.2 Personal Data
Enter your user ID that has to be registered as group leader for the project group with the Identitymanagement.
Delete the not applicable title Mr., Ms. or Mx. and enter your title (e.g. Prof., Dr.), if applicable.
Enter your first name in the next line and your last name in the following line.2.1.3 Stamp of the Institution
Put the institute's stamp or the stamp of the institution to which the workgroup belongs on the form at the designated place "Stamp of the institution". If you do not have a stamp in Adobe Acrobat and wish to complete the form electronically, you can also enter the necessary information manually in the appropriate fields:
- Name of the Institution
- Street address
- Street and Number
- ZIP code and Name of the City
2.1.4 Date and Signature
Enter the current date and sign on the line "Signature Area Manager".
2.2 Instruction within the scope of the appointment for IT-Administration
2.2.1Stamp of the Institution
Put the institute's stamp or the stamp of the institution in whose area of responsibility the workgroup belongs on the form at the designated place "Stamp of the Institution". If you do not have a stamp in Adobe Acrobat and wish to complete the form electronically, you can also enter the necessary information manually in the appropriate fields:
- Name of the Institution
- Street address
- Street and Number
- ZIP code and Name of the City
2.2.2 Date and Signature
Enter the current date and sign the line "Signature of the Area Manager" to confirm that you have committed the instructed person to the conscientious fulfilment of his/her obligations.
2.3 Transfer of Entrepreneurial Duties
The transfer of entrepreneurial duties may only take place in the case of employees. In the case of assistants or persons without an employment relationship with the university, the instruction according to 2.2 is sufficient and you send both forms with copies of the participation certificates to IVV Naturwissenschaften.
2.3.1 Personal Data
Enter your full name including the title on the "Name of the Area Manager" line.
2.3.2 Stamp of the Institution
Put the institute's stamp or the stamp of the institution in whose area of responsibility the workgroup belongs on the form at the designated place "Stamp of the Institution". If you do not have a stamp in Adobe Acrobat and would like to complete the form electronically, you can manually enter the required information in the appropriate fields:
- Name of the Institution
- Address
- Street address
- ZIP code and City
2.3.3 Date and Signature
Enter the current date and sign the line "Signature of the person responsible for the area".
Send both forms with the copies of the participation certificates to IVV Naturwissenschaften.IVV Naturwissenschaften
3.1 Instruction within the Framework of the Appointment for IT Administration
If a W, Y, BIO, CHEM, PHY or NWZ account is renewed, the applicant may waive the submission of this form by ticking the box "Proofs are already on file" on the form "IT Administration IVV Naturwissenschaften". In this case, it must be checked whether the "instruction and, if applicable transfer of entrepreneurial duties" for the respective work area has actually already been carried out. If this is the case, it can be confirmed as described in 3.4.1.
Check whether the signatures on the form match those of the applicant and the person responsible for the area, and whether the stamp of the institution is available and legible.
In an older version of the form, only the "transfer of entrepreneurial duties" (see 3.2) was documented, this is sufficient in any case.
3.2 Transfer of Entrepreneurial Duties
If a W, Y, BIO, CHEM, PHY or NWZ account is renewed, the applicant may waive the submission of this form by checking the box "Proofs are already on file" on the form "IT Administration IVV Naturwissenschaften". In this case, it must be checked whether the "Übertragung von Unternehmerpflichten" for the respective work area actually already exists. If this is the case, it can be confirmed as described in 3.4.1.
3.2.1 Checking the Completeness of Personal and Work Area Data
Check that the personal details are complete. In particular, that the work area for which the transfer will be made is indicated and that this work area corresponds with the project group requested on the form "IT Administration IVV Naturwissenschaften" in the case of application/renewal/extension of a W, Y, BIO, CHEM, PHY or NWZ account.
Furthermore, the institute/institution to which the woirk area belongs must be indicated and the employment relationship in which the obligated person is employed (scientific/non-scientific employee).
In addition, the name of the area manager must be indicated.3.2.2 Verification of the Information on the Transferred Business Obligations
Check the transferred entrepreneur obligations listed: When applying for a W, Y, BIO, CHE, PHY or NWZ account, the following must be entered accordingly:
Nr. Short Designation Notes 1 W Account Computer Administration (W) 1 Y Account Workgroup Administration (Y) 1 NWZ Account IVV Administrator (NWZ)
If it is not about the application/extension/extension of a W, Y, BIO, CHE, PHY or NWZ account, the transferred entrepreneur duties must be specified in detail, e.g.:Nr. Short Designation Notes 1 Linuxadministration Operation of Linux PCs of the workgroup 2 Serveradministration Operation of the Linux cluster of the workgroup (Web, File, Print, Computer) 3 Printeradministration Operation of the institute printers in the network 3.2.3 Review of the Instruction
Check the date and that the applicant on the line "Signature of the Instructed" and the area manager on the line "Signature of the Area Manager" have confirmed the instruction.
In addition, check that the instructed person has proven the necessary qualification (form "IT Administration IVV Naturwissenschaften").
3.2.4 Confirmation of the Instruction
If the "Instruction within the scope of the appointment for IT- Administration and i.a. Übertragung von Unternehmerpflichten" is correct, tick the box "The in struction anf, if applicable, the transfer of entrepreneurial duties has taken place" on the "IT Administration IVV Naturwissenschaften" form.
Enter the current date at the end of the form "Transfer of entrepreneurial duties" and sign the line "Signature IVV Naturwissenschaften".In the case of a paper application, you then have the form stamped with the other forms by the IVV secretariat and recorded electronically (see 3.3.4).
In the case of a digitally recorded application, file the collected documents in a PDF file per project group in a folder with the name of the applicant under N: and inform the IVV Secretariat (see 3.3.4).
The original document will be sent by the IVV secretariat to Department 3 for retention in the personnel file. The personnel department passes the information on to the relevant staff council. In the case of a digitally recorded application, the IVV secretariat must be informed that the documents are to be forwarded.
3.3 IT Administration IVV Naturwissenschaften
3.3.1 Checking of the Completeness of Personal Data
Check whether the information about personal data is complete. In particular, have a look for the personal user ID and in case of a renewal/extension of a W, Y, BIO, CHE, PHY or NWZ account check whether it is indicated in the box with the corresponding admin group. When applying for a new administrative user ID, assign a name for the administrative user ID as described here. Check the date and whether the applicant has signed on the line "Signature Applicant".
3.3.2 Checking of Authorisation
Check that the area manager has completed the middle part of the form. Check in particular, whether the user ID and complete name of the workgroup leader have been indicated. Furthermore the stamp of the institute/institution the workgroup belongs to has to appear in the box "Stamp of the Institution". Check whether the person responsible for the area is registered as user group leader for the Project Group with Identitymanagement.
Check the date and whehter the workgroup leader has signed on the line "Signature Area Manager".3.3.3 Checking of Qualification
Check the submitted proofs of qualification.
For a mere IT administrator without NWZ admin account the participation in the courses "IVV Naturwissenschaften - NWZ" and "Windows - Security" or "Linux - Security" or "macOS - Security", as well as Uni-Fortbildung "IT-Sicherheit am Arbeitsplatz" are compulsory.
For a W account the participation in the courses "IVV Naturwissenschaften - NWZ", and, according to the supervised devices, "Windows - Installation" and "Windows - Security" or "Linux Installation" and "Linux - Security" or "macOS - Installation" and "macOS - Security", as well as Uni-Fortbildung "IT-Sicherheit am Arbeitsplatz" are compulsory.
For Y, BIO, CHE, PHY and NWZ accounts the same courses as for W accounts are compulsory in addition to the courses "Workgroup Administration" and "IT Security".
IVV Course Topic IT Administrator W Account Y Account Win Lin Mac Win Lin Mac Win Lin Mac IVV Naturwissenschaften - NWZ x x x Workgroup Administration x IT security x Windows - Installation x x Windows - Security x x x Linux - Installation x x Linux - Security x x x macOS - Installation x x macOS - Security x x x Uni-Fortbildung Course Topic IT Administrator W Account Y Account Win Lin Mac Win Lin Mac Win Lin Mac IT - Sicherheit am Arbeitsplatz x x x As of the winter term 2021/22, the IVV training course "Safety and Security in the Workspace" will be replaced by the Uni-Fortbildungsangebot "IT-Sicherheit am Arbeitsplatz: Einführung". For this topic you will receive the certificate of attendance from the Uni-Fortbildung, please do not forget to attach a copy of this to your application as well.
If certificates of attendance from other training providers have been submitted, it shall be decided on a case-by-case basis whether the knowledge acquired constitutes a sufficient qualification.
If it is only a matter of extending a W, Y, BIO, CHE, PHY or NWZ account, "Proofs already on file" is marked. Check whether the applicant already has the qualification proofs and the transfer of entrepreneur duties for this workgroup.
3.3.4 Signing the Application
If the form is filled in completely and correctly and the necessary qualification proofs are available, mark the box "The qualificationsmeet the requirements of the IVV".
If the "The instruction and, if applicable, the transfer of entrepreneurial duties" is also carried out correctly and the box "The instruction and, if applicable, the transfer of entrepreneurial duties has taken place" has been ticked after checking of the corresponding form, enter the current date and sign on the line "Signature of IVV".In the case of a paper application, have the form stamped by the IVV secretariat and entered electronically with the "Transfer of entrepreneurial duties" under the name of the applicant, e.g: Mustermann, Angelika (p2beispi) YYYY-MM-DD.pdf
In the case of a digital application, you stamp all forms yourself using the Acrobat stamp function and save them as one PDF file per project group in a folder with the name of the applicant under N:\IVV_4\Administration\Anträge IT-Administratoren\
- Anträge A - F
- Anträge G - L
- Anträge M - R
- Anträge S - Z
E.g. N:\IVV_4\Administration\Anträge IT-Administratoren\Anträge M - R\Mustermann, Angelika (p2beispi) JJJJ-MM-TT.pdf
3.4 Entry in the User Administration
3.4.1 New application for a W or Y accountIf this is a first time application for an administrative account, the application for an additional account in the IT portal must be merged with the PDF application and processed. Further information can be found here.
3.4.2 Renewal of a W, Y, BIO, CHE, PHY or NWZ Account
If an existing account is renewed or extended, the Director carries that out in "myNWZ"-IT-Portal.
Click under "Group Management" on "Members of" for the 1-groups or the 2-groups concerned. Mark the user ID in the list and select the expiration date at the end of the page. Confirm the extension by clicking on "Change membership now".
3.4.3 Adding of a W, Y, BIO, CHE, PHY or NWZ Account to a Group
If an existing account is extended, the Director does this in "myNWZ"-IT-Portal, provided the group already exists. For newly created groups, the same procedure must be followed as for a new application.
Under "Group management" click on "Members of" for the 1-groups or 2-groups concerned. Enter the user ID in the free field at the end of the list and select the expiration date from the drop-down list at the end of the page. Confirm the extension by clicking on "Change membership now".
3.4.4 Entry/Extension in the Group p0admin
If an existing account is renewes or extended, the Director carries that out in "myNWZ"-IT-Portal .
Under "Group administration" click on "Members of" for the group "p0admin". Enter the user ID in the free field at the end of the list and select the expiration date from the drop-down list at the end of the page. Confirm the extension by clicking on "Change membership now".
3.4.5 Checking of the Expiration Date of Membership of a Personal Account in Group z2ivv4
The personal account of the administrator is entered into the group "z2ivv4" as described above. Each time an admin account is renewed, it must be checked that the corresponding personal account in "z2ivv4" has not expired. As a rule, the accounts are entered with an expiration date in the distant future (those that have an employment relationship with the university). However, there are also accounts where membership must be renewed manually.
What happens with the Forms and the Data collected in Them?
IVV Naturwissenschaften
The IVV makes an electronic copy of all processed forms, which can be consulted in case of later questions (e.g. account extension) and thus avoids unnecessary, double filling and sending of forms. In addition, the proof of qualifications and instruction is documented.
If an administrative (W, Y, BIO. CHE, PHY or NWZ) account for NWZ has been renewed/extended, the renewal/extension is carried out.
The information necessary for the creation of new accounts from the form "IT Administration IVV Naturwissenschaften" is forwarded to the Identitymanagement for further processing when new accounts (application through IT portal) or new administrative groups are set up, either as an original or as a facsimile.
The personal user ID is made a member of the project group "z2ivv4". Within the framework of identitymanagement, it can be automatically checked whether a person has demonstrated the appropriate qualification to take on the tasks of an IT administrator within the IVV Naturwissenschaften.
If an administrative (W, Y, BIO, CHE, PHY or NWZ) account for NWZ has been requested (additional user ID in the IT portal), the provisioning will be carried out.
This administrative user ID is also assigned to the project group "p0admin". This ensures that an administrative account will not expire if you forget to extend the project group corresponding to the admin group as the primary group. Furthermore, information is provided regularly via the group directory of the group p0admin .
Department 3 and Staff Council
The original form "Instruction within the scope of the appointment for IT administration and if applicable transfer of entrepreneurial duties" for employees/officials is forwarded to Dezernat 3 for retention in the personal file. The Dezernat is sending a copy to the relevant Staff Council. If necessary, the staff council will randomly check whether the training measures necessary for the qualification were actually carried out and whether they were sufficient.