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Student representatives

The student representatives (FSV) are a group of elected students from the Faculty of Music. We represent the interests of our student body externally (i.e. with respect to WWU policy matters) as well as internally within our faculty, helping shape decisions at the faculty board level and in committee meetings which affect the planning and implementation of our degree programmes. We see ourselves as the contact point between the Dean's Office, faculty administrators and the students. We organise introductory and general information events for first-semester students and are responsible for practice rules within the faculty. Beyond everyday university life, we also organise summer and Christmas parties and semester kick-off parties.

Please contact us any time if you have questions or suggestions!
Contact: Student representatives post box on top floor of the University of Music
or via email at: fs.mhs@uni-muenster.de.

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Larissa Maria Bittner (Trumpet)


Henrike Bilkslager (Violin)
1st deputy chair


Aaron Gorny (Trombone)
2nd deputy chair

© Privat

Financial officer

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FSV member


FSV Member

© PicturePeople

FSV member

© Privat

FSV member

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© StudioSteve

Jakob Scheidtweiler (Gitarre)
FSV Member


Nik Dahm (Electric-bass)
FSV member

© Privat

FSV member


Wir freuen uns sehr, euch an der Musikhochschule Münster begrüßen zu dürfen. 

Es geht schon bald los, deshalb gibt es vorab ein paar Informationen zur sogenannten Orientierungswoche. Hier lernt ihr euch vor dem Studium schon einmal kennen und bekommt Einblicke in den Studienverlauf.

03.10. 18:30 Uhr - Kennenlernparty in der Cafeteria der Musikhochschule: Spiele, Bier und Spaß

04.10.  9:30-12:45 - offizielle Begrüßungsveranstaltung der Musikhochschule und Informationen zum Studium

13:00 Mittagessen in der Mensa

anschließend: Ausklang mit Kaffeetrinken/Aasee etc.

05.10. Treffen an der Musikhochschule und gemeinsame Busfahrt/Fahrradfahrt zum Preußenstadion

11:00 - 13:00 Uhr - Begrüßung durch den Rektor im Preußenstadion (Anmeldung erfolgt selbstständig!!)

13:00 Uhr - Mittagessen in der Mensa

14:00 Uhr - Stadtrallye

20:00 Uhr - Kneipentour

06.10. 11:00 Uhr - Katerfrühstück bei gutem Wetter am Aasee / bei schlechtem Wetter in der Cafeteria

Um einer gemeinsamen WhatsApp-Gruppe beizutreten, wendet euch gern per E-Mail an fs.mhs@uni-muenster.de oder per Instagram an fachschaft.Musik.mhs. Hier bekommt ihr auch regelmäßig Updates.

New Toilets at Ludgeriplatz

With our new unisex and FINTA* toilets, we want to make a statement. A statement that the concept of gender binarity is outdated and that we recognise and value gender diversity.

We want to draw attention to the fact that people are discriminated against on the basis of their gender or sex and for this reason create a special shelter with the FINTA* toilets.

FINTA* stands for: Women, Inter, Non-Binary, Trans, Agender, * for all who feel they belong beyond.

We hope that the discourse around these innovations will be respectful and reflective!

Diversity Team: diversity.mhs@wwu.de

Annalena Zernott (DGB): gleichstellung.mhs@uni-muenster.de

Mailing lists for students by the student representatives

Contact: Contacting the student representatives is possible via fachschaft.mhs@uni-muenster.de.

Usage: Only the student representatives are able to operate the mailing lists. For questions or replies, please use the contact option above.

The student representatives use this mailing list according to its guidelines: https://www.uni-muenster.de/Musikhochschule/Studium/Studienangelegenheiten/Fachschaftsvertretung.html

Data protection notice: Individual e-mail addresses are not passed on to the student representatives or their members, as the mailing list is automatically created and maintained by WWU IT, referring to certain criteria stored at the Student Admissions Office. This is based on a resolution of the IV Commission of the Senate, which can be viewed under IV Facilities and Committees [Verlinkung: http://www.uni-muenster.de/ZIV/DasZIV/Ordnungen/index.html].

Membership: This mailing list is created automatically and members are admitted on the basis of defined criteria. Manual admission is therefore not possible.

Each member can control their membership via the WWU IT portal, i.e. subscribe and unsubscribe. In addition, it can be permanently specified here that memberships on the student representatives mailing lists are not desired.

Terms of use

The mailing lists used by the Münster University of Music’s student representatives are

  • mhs-erstis
  • mhs-bachelor
  • mhs-master

@listserv.uni-muenster.de are used exclusively and responsibly for content directly related to

  • the work of the student representatives (e.g. announcements, student representatives‘ events),
  • information events organised by the student representatives,
  • information for first-year students (e.g. city rallies etc.),
  • information on teaching evaluation or other polls and surveys directly connected to the Münster University of Music,
  • information on internal or external events that complement students‘ studies.

The mailing lists will not be used

  • for requests for participation in external studies and surveys,
  • for advertising.